1、打开Google Chrome。 2、点击浏览器窗口的右上角三个垂直点的菜单按钮。 3、在下拉菜单中找到并点击“打开新的无痕式窗口”。 4、你也可以按下快捷键 Ctrl + Shift + N,即可立即打开一个无痕窗口。 如果你是在Mac操作系统上操作,则可以按下 Command + Shift + N 快速开启无痕模式。 Firefox浏览器的隐私...
Incognito mode is a built-in feature of Google’s Chrome browser. Chrome is one of the most popular web browsing apps, and many users set it as theirdefault browser. Chrome has many features and compatible extensions that improve the web browsing experience, including Incognito mode, which lets...
To run Google Chrome in Incognito mode, the browser supports a special command line switch,-incognito, which forces the browser to start with the Incognito window opened instead of the regular browsing session. The command line must be like this: ...
To run Google Chrome in Incognito mode, the browser supports a special command line switch,-incognito, which forces the browser to start with the Incognito window opened instead of the regular browsing session. The command line must be like this: chrome -incognito Note the hyphen before 'in...
https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/01/chrome-updates-incognito-warning-to-admit-google-tracks-users-in-private-mode/ 您的赞赏是对我们的鼓励,We’ll be more solid with your donations.
The Google Chrome browser is finally getting a native dark theme for the Incognito mode. Here's how you can enable it right now.
Incognito mode in the stable version of Chrome still says: "You've gone Incognito. Now you can browse privately, and other people who use this device won't see your activity." Among other changes, the Canary warning replaces "browse privately" with "browse more privately." ...
With Chrome for Android, media notifications were not hidden when using an incognito tab, but a new commit shows that will be changing in the future.
一个现代浏览器就是一个和操作系统一样的平台。在Chrome之前的浏览器都是单进程的应用,所有页面共享相同的地址空间和资源。引入多进程架构这是Chrome最为著名的改进【译注:省略一些反复谈论的细节】。 一个进程内,Web应用主要需要执行三个任务:获取资源,页面 排版及渲染,和运行JavaScript。渲染和脚本都是在运行中交替...
Chrome有两种不同的内部缓存的实现:一种备份于本地磁盘(local disk),另一种则存储于内存(in-memory)中。内存模式(in-memory)主要应用于无痕浏览模式(Incognito browsing mode),并在关闭窗口清除掉。 两种方式使用了相同的内部接口(disk_cache::Backend, 和disk_cache::Entry),大大简化了系统架构。如果你想实现一...