Hardware acceleration for Google Chrome certainly seems to have numerous benefits. The GPU handles any browser games, animations, or videos that you might be playing as part of Chrome hardware acceleration. In addition to doing things better, the GPU also relieves a part of the CPU’s workload...
通过以上的注册表设置,您可以进一步提高 Google Chrome 在视频播放、性能和响应速度方面的表现。 WindowsRegistry Editor Version5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome]"HardwareAccelerationMode"="1""GPUAcceleration"="1""LazyImageLoadingEnabled"="1""EnableQUIC"="true""EnableHTTP3"="true""En...
摘要:以下就是新版Chrome8.0中具备的新功能: 1、硬件加速处理 Chrome8中最受关注的应该是Full Hardware acceleration功能。该技术由IE9率先提出并实现,火狐、Opera均已在此方面取得较大进展,新的Chrome Build版本中名为“GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D”已经默认开启硬件加速功能,意味着素有Web页面内容已经可.以享受到这...
Enable Google Chrome 8 GPU accelerated rendering- The Chrome 8 comes with GPU acceleration. But this feature is disabled by default. To enable this feature, just startup Chrome with parameter : --enable-gpu-plugin --enable-gpu-rendering...
以下就是新版Chrome8.0中具备的新功能: 1,硬件加速处理 Chrome8中最受关注的应该是Full Hardware acceleration功能.该技术由IE9率先提出并实现,火狐,Opera均已在此方面取得较大进展,新的Chrome Build版本中名为"GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D"已经默认开启硬件加速功能,意味着素有Web页面内容已经可.以享受到这项新技术....
hardware acceleration technology for GPU. To enable this, go to the address bar and typechrome://flagsand pressEnter. In the page opening, enable both GPU composting on all pages and GPU accelerated SVG and CSS filters. Enabling these will accelerate the graphics processing unit (GPU) on all...
Google Chrome uses hardware acceleration that can use your graphics card )GPU) to offset to speed up processes and use less of your processer (CPU). There may be times where you want to disable, usually due to a driver issue or other troubleshooting....
While the root cause of the leak is being fixed, we are temporarily disabling some of Chrome's GPU acceleration features on the affected hardware via an auto-updated release that went out this afternoon (Thursday June 28). We anticipate further fixes in the coming days which will re-enable ...
It's 2018 and while Linux GPU drivers have improved a lot in recent years, Google engineers still don't find them reliable enough to ship the Chrome web-browser with GPU video decoding enabled. There was a discussion once again about shipping Chrome with Linux GPU video acceleration enabled....
一、第一种方法 1、打开浏览器,在地址中输入:chrome://flags并按下回车键,此时浏览器会出现如下图所示界面,我们将其中和GPU加速相关的都停用就可以了。2、也可以直接将它们重置一下,然后重新运行浏览器也能解决该问题。二、第二种方法 使用文本编辑器将以下文件夹展开:%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\...