Run Windows Subsystem For Android on your Windows 10 and Windows 11 PC using prebuilt binaries with Google Play Store (MindTheGapps) and/or Magisk or KernelSU (root solutions) built in. - GitHub - WSABuilds/WSABuilds: Run Windows Subsystem For Android o
//启动会自动打开一个网址, 经查是个病毒, 可能是激活工具带的 使用专杀工具 火绒恶意木马专杀 可以解决 该病毒有个特征, 右键打开chrome快捷方式的文件位置 C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\ 会发现, 双击chrome.exe打开网页...
Google Workspace(G Suite) for Education cannot be integrated with MDM. It is recommended to assign different G Suite accounts to devices for improved app management but a single Gsuite account can be used for upto 10 devices. If the G Suite account is assigned to more than 10 devices, t...
Chrome OS装在内存卡。读写都在100M/s的 然后windows10不动它 默认开机还是Windows的引导 想启动Chrome OS的用U盘引导内存卡(理论上也试用于多磁盘的用户)里的系统 随便找个U盘刷上efi启动的GRUB2.0.2 然后提取im 13014 lovelive日服吧 erono 【更新】 LoveLive日服客户端 v5.0.2 (5月17日)■ 官方原版 (...
Clone Windows 10 Cloning objects in powershell Close a powershell window when called from a batch file Close all popups pulled from running a an executable Close Excel com object without saving changes? Close Form cluster name using powershell cmd batch launch powershell script and getting enviro...
The SDK for Google Drive is already out and the Chrome web store is already filled with apps that integrates the app into their own projects. The increasing number of apps will certainly promote the product to a wider audience and hopefully provide the traction the new Drive needs. MinMeiser...
Like Google chrome over Samsung internet. Google clocks over samsung clocks. Google calendar over samsung calendar and many many more apps which are already there. Pure android experience is the way. UI is nothing just bloatware which is like burden for the phone. Its like a cancer you...
like me, use their Google Drive account to backup mobile data. In case you switch a lot of mobile phones or useGoogle Drive to backup Windows 10, your older backups could take up a lot of space. Head over tothis linkand maybe you can get rid of your older Android or Windows backup...
The Google PC/browser approach requires just the U2F usb dongle (on Chrome), whereas the bluetooth one is for the mobile phone. With one of the more functional Yubikeys, you can therefore login to any U2F enabled services, as well as have 2FA on Windows or Linux login, and 2FA on Last...
Chrome. Now go back to watching porn for the 4th time today….i guess you would call it a 4-Fer. Fer 30 September, 2014 at 2:03 pm Ok, I invite you to show me a single virus for windows PHONES Robb Nunya 1 October, 2014 at 10:54 am Yeah yeah.. enjoy your Ballmer ...