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谷歌浏览器 Chrome 是一款可让您更快速、轻松且安全地使用网络的浏览器,它的设计超级简洁,使用起来更加方便。 Google 浏览器 Chrome 的特点是简洁、快速。MAC189.COM 强烈建议用户在 Mac 上使用 Google Chrome 浏览器。 Google Chrome 支持多标签浏览,每个标签页面都在
Google Chrome for Mac implements changes to reduce power and resource consumption. Photo: Google/Apple Google Chrome’s latest update will make the browser more mindful of using your Mac’s precious resources. Chrome also will consume less power when your MacBook’s battery is low. These Googl...
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My Macbook Pro will actually shutdown for thermal protection if I use Google Chrome. I installed SMC and I can watch the temp of my computer quickly rise when I have a few Chrome windows open. It gets to around 212C, and then shuts down. No other applications cause this issue, even ...
still isn't smooth with pro motion MacBook Pros scrolling Reactions: Love-hate 🍏 relationship 1 1885507 Cancelled Apr 21, 2022 218 259 Dec 8, 2022 #97 t0rqx said: For people who do not need Google Chrome, better find yourself a much efficient and faster brows...
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目前看来chrome OS相比于其他桌面系统最大的优势就是价格,现在的chromebook已经统治了200刀价位了,但是...
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