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Chrome Enterprise is a cloud-first solution built to support modern workforces. Cloud profiles, regular background updates, and access to popular productivity and video conferencing apps help employees work effectively from anywhere. Lower total cost of ownership, multiple layers of security, and...
Google 称, Chrome Enterprise 提供了一系列面向企业的功能,包括访问企业级应用的入口;深度安全控制;24/7 支持;整合云端和内部管理工具 ,VMware Workspace ONE 和 Microsoft Active Directory;统一端点管理,等等。 这种针对企业级市场推出的收费软件,谷歌不是第一个,也绝不会是最后一个。日前,微软也针对企业级市场推出...
Note: Chrome Browser is also available for enterprise businesses,Google Chrome Enterprise. Key Features: Speed – designed to be fast in every possible way. Simplicity – minimal, clean and simple design. Security – built-in malware and phishing protection, auto-updates to make sure you have al...
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What is Chrome Enterprise? Chrome Enterprise is a simple and secure browser that integrates seamlessly with Chrome products, Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace. Can we use Chrome Enterprise from any device? Is it safe to use Chrome Enterprise?
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