Google Chrome 46.0.2490.80 (Enterprise versiChange Log (Enterprise version) Google Chrome 46Builds
Chrome Enterprise is a cloud-first solution built to support modern workforces. Cloud profiles, regular background updates, and access to popular productivity and video conferencing apps help employees work effectively from anywhere. Lower total cost of ownership, multiple layers of security, and...
在谷歌浏览器占市场份额越来越大的今天,似乎单纯的消费级市场已经不够了,所以我们看到谷歌瞄上了企业级市场,Google发布了一个针对企业级用户满足企业用户需求的ChromeOS 版本 —— Chrome Enterprise,每台设备收费:每年 50 美元。 Google 称, Chrome Enterprise 提供了一系列面向企业的功能,包括访问企业级应用的入口;深...
如果只是想安装Chrome浏览器,只需要运行GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi即可。其他两个msi文件主要是为企业环境设计的。 如你能科学上网,可直接在此链接处自由选择! 至于说谷歌浏览器企业版还是个人版,自己喜欢就是最好的,没有谁比谁...
Canary – Experimental version of Chrome, allows you to preview the newest Chrome features available, but probably will have bugs because it’s not tested. Released daily. Note: Chrome Browser is also available for enterprise businesses,Google Chrome Enterprise. ...
Chrome Enterprise license adds to the speed, simplicity, and security of Chrome OS and unlocks the controls and functionality that organizations need. It provides a cost-effective and secure way to mobilize your employees. We got your back ...
Google Chrome基于更强大的JavaScript V8引擎 这是当前Web浏览器所无法实现的 Google Chrome是一款基于开源软件 借鉴了苹果的WebKit Safari使用的引擎 Mozilla的Firefox及其他相关应用 主要特性: Chrome浏览器基于开源的Webkit 其中包含谷歌Gears Chrome提供了浏览器扩展框架 可以制作与Adobe AIR类似的混合应用 包含V8 ...
Google Chrome for Business, free and safe download. Google Chrome for Business latest version: Google Chrome, especially for networks.