杰欣互联网新闻 2010年12月16日 Google在Chrome博客上撰文写道,“今天我们宣布,Chrome浏览器将为IT管理员带来方便,使得他们根据其需要,更轻易地设置及运行浏览器,不管浏览器是在Windows、Mac还是Linux系统下。”Google正式推出了Chrome浏览器的MSI安装程序。这将使得企业用户能直接地运行Chrome浏览器,对Google而言,也是一...
The new Chrome Standalone Windows Installer Package (.MSI) is suited to a range of scenarios including offline installations, unattended installations, deploying the browser over a network share or from remote locations. Google Chrome Standalone Enterprise .MSI package Download Google Chrome Standalone ...
MSIX is the future of Windows app packaging. Find out how to convert your existing MSI installer for Google Chrome enterprise to MSIX in minutes.
如果只是想安装Chrome浏览器,只需要运行GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi即可。其他两个msi文件主要是为企业环境设计的。 如你能科学上网,可直接在此链接处自由选择! https://chromeenterprise.google/intl/zh_cn/browser/download/#windows-tab 至于说谷歌浏览器企业版还是个人版,自己喜欢就是最好的,没有谁比谁...
一:下载mysql-installer-community- 下载链接:https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/file/?id=479862 二:安装mysql-installer-community- 1.点击安装包进入安装页面,选中I accept the license terms 2.一直点击next,遇到此页面,点... ...
Install Chrome using the MSI installer: msiexec.exe /i "C:\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi" /qn /norestart /l*v "C:\Logs\GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.log" If you run into troubles when Chrome cannot reach the internet, add the MSI parameter NOGOOGLEUPDATEPING=1. Optional: Inst...
MSI Claw A1M is one hell of a gaming PC with best-in-class power, cooling, more In partnership with TORRAS TORRAS COOLiFY Cyber offers ultimate personal cooling to beat the summer heat In partnership with Beatbot Beatbot's new intelligent robotic pool skimmer: Hands-on with the iSkim Ultra...
How toDownload Chrome’s Offline Installer(32 and 64-bit) We got you! This post is dedicated to helping you get a Chrome browser as an Installable or setup file, all you need to look for your favorite Chrome variant in this post, then use the given links to get Offline installers. It...
总的来说,Chrome浏览器企业版专注于为企业用户提供高级的管理、安全特性和技术支持,以提高工作效率和网络安全,而普通版则更适用于个人用户,提供快速、安全的浏览体验。 程序说明: 01.MSI安装包更适合企业IT部署; 02.程序包里有两个小程序,个人认为LegacyBrowserSupport_7.4.0.0_en_x64更好用,支持老旧网址; ...
Automate opening Chrome/IE websites automatic configuration script option Automatically create ODBC DSN connection with special port and password. Add-OdbcDsn cmdlet Automatically Print an Excel File to Specific Printer and No. Copies Automatically respond to a prompt? Automating printing to PDF Autosave...