After the process is over, restart Google Chrome and see if theERR_CONNECTION_REFUSEDerror is still appearing when you use the browser. Method 10. Run the Internet Connections Troubleshooter A Windows-related solution could be running one of the built-in troubleshooters. To do this, follow the...
解决 ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 错误,需要通过一系列方法来排查可能的原因,逐一进行修复。首先,检查是否禁用了 QUIC 协议,禁用它能永久删除此错误。方法是:重新启动浏览器后,错误不再出现。其次,检查主机文件,如果有坏程序或已添加的搜索网站可能已在系统中,浏览器会显示该错误。尝试移除或修改主机文...
Close the Command Prompt and see if you’re able to browse the internet using Google Chrome without the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error. Final thoughts As you can see, there are quite a few ways to fix the ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error in Google Chrome. We hope that these steps helped get you...
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. 1. 可能的原因: 接收端, 也就是说目标页面必须有 chrome.runtime.onMessage 监听消息, 如果 “content-script” 没有注入到页面中, 那么这个页面就无法接收消息 如果你的插件刚刚加载, 并且在一个已经加载完毕的页面...
“Google chrome error proxy connection failed.”– Ways to resolve the error The below section presents you with several effective methods that are useful to fix this error. Before you start implementing these methods, it is recommended that you verify whether other devices present on the same ne...
通过清除SSL状态来修复ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 如果以上两种方法均无效,则接下来应尝试清除SSL状态。请按照以下步骤操作:首先,转到“自定义和控制Google Chrome”,即X(关闭)按钮下方显示的三个点。现在单击设置。向下滚动页面,然后打开“ 高级设置”。向下滚动或在搜索栏中搜索以打开打开代理设置。将打开一个名为...
If you’re a Google Chrome user, once in a while, you’ll encounter the “Err_Connection_Timed_Out” error alert while trying to access resources on the web. While it might be super frustrating at first glance, the error is very easy to fix. ...
通过清除缓存和Cookie可以解决铬ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR,铬按下Ctrl + Shift + Delete键删除缓存和Cookie。 这些都是可能的解决方案来解决ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR谷歌浏览器,如Chrome仍然会显示这个错误,那么你必须需要联系网站的所有者。 全球可信CA机构
现在,您已经成功清除了SSL状态。关闭并重新启动Google Chrome浏览器,以验证错误是否已解决。 4,停用QUIC协议 QUIC的工作原理几乎与SSL(安全套接字层)协议相同,并由Chrome自动激活。有时,它与站点的SSL证书冲突,并显示“ err_SSL_protocol_error”消息。禁用QUIC协议可能有助于解决此问题。
How to Fix ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED Error on Google Chrome Here are the detailed steps to fix theERR_CONNECTION_CLOSEDerror on Google Chrome: 1. Check Your Internet Connection The first step is to check your internet connection. A weak or intermittent internet connection may cause the browser to ...