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Cloud Management Manage enterprise deployments of Chrome Browser centrally from the cloud, across Chrome OS, Windows, Mac and Linux.The ability to manage and secure the browsing experience for users is critical today. The accessibility of business-critical data and applications from the cloud, the ...
Security is more top of mind than ever before - and Chrome Browser Cloud Management supports how your teams approach security. The security investigation tool in the Google Admin console allows you to see all Chrome events in an Audit log format and set up custom alerts triggered by events...
Google Cloud Next 大会将于 4 月 9 日至 11 日在拉斯维加斯举行。立即报名,购买门票可享半价优惠。 新产品 Gemini 2.0:面向开发者的 Gemini 时代新篇章 新产品 Google Agentspace:利用 AI 智能体、AI 加持的搜索功能和 NotebookLM 为企业赋能 使用专为开发者和 AI 设计的云平台构建应用 免费试用 Google Cl...
These 4 new features in Chrome Browser Cloud Management give administrators more reporting and allow them to take action based on the insights about the browser landscape.
Lower total cost of ownership and ease of management free IT from mundane tasks – free to innovate and have more impact. Chrome OS Chrome OS is a versatile and mobile cloud-native operating system that is secure, easy to use and manage, and provides fast access to cloud apps, regardless ...
Use theChrome Browser Enterprise (CBE)REST API to manage the Chrome browser in your orgnization. Documentation Getting started with CBCM API > start here Scopes APIs App Details API Chrome Browser Cloud Management API Chrome Management API ...
在计算机上打开 Chrome。 在右上角,依次点击“更多”图标清除浏览数据。 选择时间范围,例如过去一小时或时间不限。 选择要移除的信息的类型。 点击清除数据。 了解如何在 Chrome 中更改更多 Cookie 设置。例如,您可以删除特定网站的 Cookie。 在其他浏览器中 ...
Chrome Enterprise is a set Cloud-based tools for the management of Chrome browsers and Chrome OS™ devices from Google. It integrates with BlackBerry Unified Endpoint Management (UEM). What is the difference between Google Chrome and Chrome enterprise?
Cloud 簡化端對端開發作業及調度資源。 開始學習 熱門新聞 探索Chrome 開發人員工具中的 AI 輔助功能 支援在樣式、效能、來源、網路等方面進行偵錯工作流程。 瞭解詳情 搜尋基準現已在 Gemini API 和 Google AI Studio 中推出 將提示納入 Google 搜尋,減少幻覺。