在Chrome 中 在计算机上打开 Chrome。 在右上角,依次点击“更多”图标清除浏览数据。 选择时间范围,例如过去一小时或时间不限。 选择要移除的信息的类型。 点击清除数据。 了解如何在 Chrome 中更改更多 Cookie 设置。例如,您可以删除特定网站的 Cookie。
How to Clear Chrome Cookies and Cache For the Current Site Only You can clear cookies and cache for a single website, which is useful if you don’t want to get logged out of other sites. NOTE: This method does not clear cached data across subdomains or related sites. For example, if ...
登录 继续使用 Google 云端平台 电子邮件地址或电话号码 忘记了电子邮件地址? 您用的不是自己的电脑?请使用访客模式无痕登录。 详细了解如何使用访客模式 下一步 创建账号简体中文 帮助 隐私权 条款
Google 用户中心 登录 Google 应如何寻求帮助? Google Chrome Google 帐号 YouTube Gmail Google Play Google 搜索 Google AdSense Gemini 应用 Pixel 手机 地图 Google Cloud Google Ads Google 相册 Google For Families Google Fi Wireless Google Nest
How to Clear The Cached Files And Browser Cookies for a Specific Website In Google Chrome Sometimes, you may want to retain the browsing history and cached files of all websites but may wan to clear the cache and cookies of a specific website e.g Facebook. ...
To clear the cookies, history and cache on Google Chrome For Android, Please follow the instruction below: 1) Launch the Google Chrome (Android). 2) On the top right hand corner, Click on the Google Chrome (Android) three dotted symbol ...
透過Google One 應用程式為手機備份並管理你的 Google 帳戶儲存空間。• 備份手機裡的重要資料,像是相片、聯絡資訊和訊息等,每個帳戶可享高達 15 GB 的免費儲存空間。將所有重要資料安全地儲存在雲端,即使手機損壞、遺失,或是系統需要升級,也不必擔心任何資訊不見
Hopefully, this guide helped you clear caches and cookies in Google Chrome. Besides, it’s one of the best ways to fix any bugs on your PC. If you’ve followed the above methods, your browser caches and cookies will be cleared by the end. But that’s not all. For instance, you can...
“Once these approaches have addressed the needs of users, publishers, and advertisers, and we have developed the tools to mitigate workarounds, we plan to phase out support for third-party cookies in Chrome. Our intention is to do this within two years.” ...
From Desktop Screenshots flag to the Device Toolbar within DevTools, there are several ways you can capture screenshots on Google Chrome ByAyush Pande Mar 9, 2024 How to enable cookies on Google Chrome Software and Services Improving browser experience, one cookie at a time. ...