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While updates come at a steady pace for Chrome users and are usually, not inconsequential, but quite small, the team is working on bigger features as well. One area that is getting some attention is the tabstrip which is about to undergo a revamp. ...
利用可与各种 Google Workspace 服务搭配使用的共享日历,缩短日程安排用时,省出更多时间工作。 登录 尝试在工作中使用 Google 日历 小型企业专用大型企业专用 动动手指,做好计划 Google 日历将您的所有日历集中到一处,便于您管理工作和个人生活中的大小事宜。 处理待办事项 添加任务 直接在 Google 日历、Gmail 或 ...
首先,我们复制下面这段链接,在chrome浏览器中打开 链接:chrome://flags/#enable-tab-audio-muting 找到黄色标记的【Tab audio muting UI control】 如果有个别小伙伴,在网页中找不到这个,就可以使用Ctrl+F调出搜索,复制Tab audio muting UI control输入搜索框,网页就会自动跳转到这个设置啦 ...
How to Change the New Tab Page in Google Chrome? Before we get into details, let’s make things clear. By default, Google’s Chrome New Tab Page includes a Google logo, a search bar, and thumbnails of your most visited websites. You get here by opening a New Tab. This is NOT your...