可能有以下几种情况: 1. 证书错误(Certificate Error):可能是由于服务器证书被串改或者过期所导致...
C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe--test-type --ignore-certificate-errors POSTMAN默认也会拦截SSL的请求, 导致无法正确获得返回信息: Couldnotget any response There was anerrorconnectingtohttps://api.hello.com/rest/users. Why this might have happened: The server couldn...
关闭并重新启动Google Chrome浏览器,以验证错误是否已解决。 4,停用QUIC协议 QUIC的工作原理几乎与SSL(安全套接字层)协议相同,并由Chrome自动激活。有时,它与站点的SSL证书冲突,并显示“ err_SSL_protocol_error”消息。禁用QUIC协议可能有助于解决此问题。 将此“ chrome:// flags /#enable-quic”复制并粘贴到C...
6)删除或禁用扩展 研究显示,有时候附加信息会成为屏蔽网站的原因,因此Google Chrome会显示错误。从Google Chrome中删除未使用或不需要的扩展程序,或停用它们。 要查看所有Chrome扩展,型镀铬://扩展/在地址栏。 7)清除缓存和Cookie 通过清除缓存和Cookie可以解决铬ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR,铬按下Ctrl + Shift + Delete...
通过清除SSL状态来修复ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 如果以上两种方法均无效,则接下来应尝试清除SSL状态。请按照以下步骤操作:首先,转到“自定义和控制Google Chrome”,即X(关闭)按钮下方显示的三个点。现在单击设置。向下滚动页面,然后打开“ 高级设置”。向下滚动或在搜索栏中搜索以打开打开代理设置。将打开一个名为...
现在,您已经成功清除了SSL状态。关闭并重新启动Google Chrome浏览器,以验证错误是否已解决。 4,停用QUIC协议 QUIC的工作原理几乎与SSL(安全套接字层)协议相同,并由Chrome自动激活。有时,它与站点的SSL证书冲突,并显示“ err_SSL_protocol_error”消息。禁用QUIC协议可能有助于解决此问题。
解决 ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR 错误,需要通过一系列方法来排查可能的原因,逐一进行修复。首先,检查是否禁用了 QUIC 协议,禁用它能永久删除此错误。方法是:重新启动浏览器后,错误不再出现。其次,检查主机文件,如果有坏程序或已添加的搜索网站可能已在系统中,浏览器会显示该错误。尝试移除或修改主机...
Cause of ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT Error: This SSL certificate error mainly occurs when Chrome checks the SSL certificate on the website the user is trying to access. Chrome’s security procedure can trigger the above error if Chrome cannot open the site requested by the user because the...
Go to the address bar and enter –chrome://flags/#enable-quick. The Experimental Quic Protocol may be enabled by default. Disable it, restart your browser, and visit the website where you encountered the error. Wrapping Up Installing an SSL certificateis a must if you are using a website...
I still have the privacy error, and I don’t know why, a few people told me they experience that error too when visiting my site. Here is the message chrome shows me: This server could not prove that it is doumer.me; its security certificate is not trusted by your computer’s operati...