对于较新版本的Chrome,只需在C:\Program Files\Google\Update或x64系统中的 C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update 删除(或压缩备份)'Update'文件夹。您也可以删除/重命名该文件夹中的GoogleUpdate.exe。如果您已将Chrome安装在自定义路径中,请转到chrome.exe位置(右键单击Google Chrome快捷方式并选择打开文件位置)...
# 如果是全新系统或者新建的用户,未运行 Chrome,可以手动创建上述文件夹再设置为只读mkdir -p~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdatesudochflags schg ~/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate (2) 编辑 hosts 文件,添加如下内容: 手动编辑,打开终端,执行:sudo vi /etc/hosts,或者使用SwitchHosts(免费软件),添加如下条目...
taskkill /im GoogleUpdate.exe /f# Google Chrome 更新服务 (sysin)#这里也可以使用 sc.exe stop "service name"Stop-Service-Name"gupdate"Stop-Service-Name"gupdatem"Stop-Service-Name"GoogleChromeElevationService"# Windows 10 默认 PS 版本 5.1 没有 Remove-Service 命令# This cmdlet was added in PS ...
Google Chrome updates are pretty unobtrusive. However, if you've decided you don't want them to run automatically, there's no setting in the browser to turn them off. For people who prefer a more granular level of control over their updates, that's an issue. Fortunately, Windows users ca...
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要确保给定的扩展程序更新仅应用于您指定的版本或更高版本的 Google Chrome 浏览器,您可以在您的更新清单中向 <app> 元素添加 "prodversionmin" 属性。例如: updates.xml<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <gupdate xmlns='http://www.google.com/update2/response' protocol='2.0'> <app appid='...
Stop auto-update chrome from service manager Turn off auto-update chrome from system registry 1. Disable auto update using system configuration Open Runcommand box usingWindow + Rkeys together. Typemsconfigand clickOK. A system configuration window will come up. ...
Method 3: Using a Chrome Script Another way to turn on auto refresh in Chrome is to use JavaScript code. This way, you won’t have to rely on any third-party app or website. However, it might not always work as expected, and the script may fail with the next Chrome update. If yo...
1.开启 Google Chrome 浏览器,在网址列输出「chrome://flags」来开启实验功能选项。 2.我们可以看到chrome有很多内置的试验下功能,我们可以CTRL+F“自动舍弃标签页”来找到此项功能。 3.将选项从预设切换到「已启用」,就能强制打开启用自动舍弃标签功能。开启这选项后,下方会出现「立即重新启动」按钮,你的变更会在...
Locate “CheckForUpdatesNow.command” and double-click on it to launch the Terminal and start the Google software update manually If you get tired of dealing with manual updates, it’s easy to turn back on again: How to Re-Enable Google Chrome Auto Updates on Mac ...