chrome.tabs.sendRequest(integer tabId, any request, function responseCallback) 向指定标签页中的内容脚本发送一个消息,当发回响应时执行一个可选的回调函数。当前扩展程序在指定标签页中的每一个内容脚本都会收到 extension.onRequest 事件。 参数 tabId ( integer ) request ( any ) responseCallback (...
Google Chrome相較於傳統瀏覽器,走得是一條精簡化的路,這對一般用戶來說其實是更好上手的,但是像我習慣某些用法時,就會覺得Google瀏覽器缺東缺西,但還好有擴充套件解決這些問題。 例如這個回復已關閉分頁與查詢歷史紀錄的功能,在原本的Google瀏覽器裡並沒有很快速方便的操作方式,所以就需要Sexy Undo Close Tab來幫...
新版 Edge 不像 CentBrowser 那样可以轻松安装 Crx4Chrome 上的拓展,
Related:How to Get and Use Vertical Tabs on Google Chrome Method 3: Use a third-party extension from the Web Store A vigilant user has been hot on the heels of Google to introduce a new chrome extension that restores this functionality in the latest version of Chrome. If you’re lookin...
雖然在Windows 7裡,工具列有Aero的縮圖預覽效果,不過瀏覽器只有IE能夠在工具列預覽到全部的分頁縮圖,而其它支援Aero的瀏覽器僅能預覽目前所在頁面的縮圖,如果你是愛用Google Chrome的朋友,Google Chrome擴充套件《Tabs Visual Manager》也能讓你達到異曲同工之妙的效果,直接在Chrome裡以縮圖的呈現方式來顯示目前全部...
* "Chrome tabs" hidden through customization now disappear only from the toolbar, but remain in the drawer menu. 2.0.2 * Fix bug with reappearing "What's new?" dialog in few specific cases. 2.0.1 * New WDS domain apps and icons. 2.0.0...
Chrome Custom Tabs - Examples and Documentation Chrome Custom Tabs provides a way for an application to customize and interact with a ChromeActivityon Android. This makes the web content feel like being a part of the application, while retaining the full functionality and performance of a complete...
How many times did you close Google Chrome and you lost all the tabs opened? or it was impossible to find the correct tab when 60 were opened? Here is a FREE extension that I am sure you will find really useful. Onetab will help you with this problem, just by clicking the icon One...
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