google chat app是谷歌推出的一款即时通讯软件,主要针对企业用户。它融合了传统的即时通讯功能,如消息发送、在线状态、群组聊天等,还支持视频会议、共享文档和文件、任务管理等协作工具,可以帮助团队更高效地协作沟通。此外,它还支持各种插件,可以进一步增强团队协作的工作效率。总之,这是一款全能的企业协作工具,方便快捷地...
Operating System Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10 / Windows 11 User Rating Click to vote Author / Product Google / External Link Google Chat is a cloud-powered communication software developed by Google and offered for free to all holders of Google Account. This app is a part of Go...
Google Chat DownloadGoogle Chat APKfor Android Free In English V2025.01.05.712327141.Release 4.5 (134) APK Status Not for your OS.Looking for Windows version? Free APK Downloadfor Android Install from Google Play The APK download button containsGoogle Chat APK 2021.08.08.390168456.Release...
without need to have Gmail 📧 open and with real-time silent notifications in the App icon on the Browser Toolbar 📌 ★ Google Chat allows to send messages for users with or without a Google business account 💼 ★ Google Meet allows for calls and video-calls for...
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Help & Info about Google Hangouts for windows Is Hangouts Free? Though some features will cost money to use, Hangouts itself does not cost anything. Users can use the messaging services, voip calls, and video chat without paying (though they will need a Google account). Calls to landlines ...
Overview of Google Hangouts for Windows Google Hangouts is a simple option for keeping up with peoplesynced to your account. When you open a new message, it displays an updated list of everyone online and available for a chat or call. If you find some free time, there's also theGoogle ...
要安装加载项,你需要新版 Microsoft Edge。下载新版 Microsoft Edge✕报告Chat and Meet for Google 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的...
While this web app can be accessed for free as part of the G Suite of standalone and browser extension apps, it can still be used by regular users who just want to chat with their friends even though the main focus of its tools and services is to allow businesses to hold frictionless,...