you are only given option to download the Google Cast app for Android Play store and Apple App Store. To use Chromecast on your Windows 10 machine, all you need is the Google Chrome browser which you can downloadhere. Once you have installed your ...
无需复杂的连线,操作简单易上手。 方法二 :谷歌GoogleCast 在电脑上下载谷歌浏览器,检查里面是否自带有GoogleCast插件,如果有可以直接使用,也就是不需要安装。一般安装好谷歌浏览器就存在的。从GoogleCast的官网说明我们可以看到GoogleCast的作用在于把小屏幕(如手机、笔记本)的内容通过无线(WIFI)方式发送到大屏设备(g...
Google Home(原google cast app) v2.42.1.14 安卓版 Google Home app是由googleChromecast改名而来的全新应用,应该算是一款家居智能移动终端设备吧,整体使用情况挺靠谱的,延迟也很低,在国内能够买到谷歌旗下智能产品的大佬们不妨试试! 软件介绍 Google Home 应用可用于设置、管理和控制 Chromecast、Chromecast Audio ...
If you are looking for the most basic app for your Chromecast device, the eponymous app is what you would like to download. This essential app didn’t seem to be very promising in the beginning. However, over time it has evolved and now offers versatility and some exciting options such as...
为Google Cast启用的移动应用程序可用于Android 4.1+和iOS 7.0+;在运行Google Chrome 72或更高版本(Microsoft Windows 7+、macOS 10.7+和Chrome OS)的计算机上,通过在浏览器中安装“Cast扩展”,可以使用为Google Cast启用的web应用程序。流式内容可以基于互联网,由特定应用程序提供,也可以驻留在发送方设备的本地存储...
Reference Cast Android TV Receiver: CastAndroidTvReceiver shows how to develop a Cast Connect-enabled Android TV app. Java11134 CastVideos-iosCastVideos-iosPublic Reference iOS Sender w/ Framework API: CastVideos-ios application shows how to cast videos from an iOS device that is fully compliant...
為 Google Cast 開發應用程式時,你可以從這些應用程式著手。 CastReceiver 詳細說明 平台 接收器,MPL 語言 JavaScript、HTML、CSS 原始碼 程式碼研究室 CastAndroidTvReceiver 詳細說明 平台 Android 語言 Android 原始碼 github....
YouTube for Android is the official YouTube app to watch and share your favorite videos. Don't forget to check out and subscribe to the MajorGeeks YouTube Channel for informative how-to videos! Netflix for Windows and Android [ 2021-12-09 14:32:30 | Size Varies | Freeware | 11|10|...
如果您熟悉 Messenger、WhatsApp 和 FaceTime,您会在该应用程序中发现类似的功能。 Google Duo 与 iOS 和 Android 设备兼容。如果您正在阅读这篇文章,您可能会对使用计算机上的 Google Duo。幸运的是,三种方法都适用于 Windows 和 MacOS。此外,我们将解释 Google Duo 的运作方式,并演示在计算机上使用此应用程序的...
Cast your entire screen Click on the notification tray icon in the bottom right corner of your screen. Click on ‘Expand’ to view all the available quick actions. Now select ‘Connect’. Windows will now automatically search for compatible devices on your WIFI network. Once Google TV shows ...