Once you've installed the Cardboard app you're walked through a simple set up process, which varied depending on what Cardboard accessory you are using. The app will ask you to scan the QR code near the orange Works with Cardboard sticker on your accessory if you're using something made...
谷歌为开发人员提供了一个用于跟踪、显示和输入历史记录的功能,以及一个AndroidQRcodebase,因此应用程序与任何卡片板都成对使用,而与卡片板应用程序无关。 此外,GoogleLSOSHAREdeveloperdocumentation和Uploadedthecardboardsdktogithub.Formoreexcitingcontent,joinarccommunitytoscanQRcodeorsearch(ID:pbottle),reprintPleaseInd...
If you are an iPhone owner, there are a lot of apps specially made and adjusted to the cardboard tool. There are also many different cardboards on the market, but all of them are pretty affordable. You can find many of those on Google’s official site, so head there if you are abo...
The web giant is discharging a Cardboard open-source venture that will give engineers a chance to make VR experiences.
(1) Main embedded view (2) Fullscreen view (3) Google Cardboard instruction view Note: Tapping the Switch button at the bottom left corner of the Google Cardboard instructions screen will allow you to sync your app to your current VR headset by capturing the QR code on your viewer. To ...
Cardboard SDK v1.20.0 (2023-03-27) Breaking & behavioral changes Modified ProGuard file in Android SDK to only keep classes, methods, and fields that are accessed via JNI. New APIs and capabilities Fixed#47: Added reticle pointer support. ...
SeeQrCodeContentProcessor.java(Android) anddevice_params_helper.mm(iOS) for the code that does the above. Brand guidelines The "Google Cardboard" name is a trademark owned by Google and is not included within the assets licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Cardboard is a free and open-so...
xinyunhCardboard SDK v1.25.0596352d8个月前 28 次提交 取消 提示:由于 Git 不支持空文件夾,创建文件夹后会生成空的 .keep 文件 .github Cardboard SDK v1.21.0 2年前 .idea/codeStyles Cardboard SDK v1.3.0 4年前 Cardboard.xcworkspace Cardboard SDK initial release. ...
ProgramparticipantsmakingVRheadsets/viewers.IfyouarecreatingsoftwareVRappsforGoogleCardboard,seetheUXguidelinesonDesigningforVirtualReality.ViewerQRPro leToensurethatallGoogleCardboardappsworkwellonyourvirtualrealityviewer,generateaQRpro le.HereisthetypicaloutputfromtheQRpro legenerator:ThegeneratedQRpro leencodesthe...
1.Google Cardboard 2.Alcatel Vision At the IFA consumer electronics convention in Berlin this year, meanwhile, Alcatel announced the Alcatel Vision, a self-contained virtual reality headset with physical controls, a rechargeable battery, dedicated processor, and cellular connectivity. The company announc...