可以直接跳到你感兴趣的APP:日程管理组合拳: 1.Trello - 看板式日程管理APP,激发创造力 2. OneNote - 网上笔记本,脑内知识结构投射 3. Google Calendar - 网络日历,用它写日记 1. Trello - 戳这里进入网页+APP logo长这样 Trello是一款基于web的、看板风格的列表制作应用程序。很多人用它来规划日程,to-do-...
当然同步到Google Calendar是它的高级功能,不想付费也可以用上面的方法,建一个项目表格,随时记录task,再直接导入也是极方便的呀! 这个是我用番茄土豆自动导入Google Calendar的效果 唯一不足就是我还没发现如何很好的在Google Calendar中显示To-do List每日计划,已完成未完成之类的。国内的一款应用滴答清单好像已经有相...
Deeptiman/react-native-todolist Star21 A Todolist application with Google & Microsoft Calendar Integration reduxreact-nativefirebase-cloud-messagingfirebase-authfirebase-databasegoogle-signinmicrosoft-graph-apionedrive-apimicrosoft-outlookonedrive-storageonedrive-sdkgoogle-drive-wrappergoogle-drive-apimicrosoft-...
与Gmail和Google Calendar建立联系的ToDo List 除了用户自己添加ToDo List条目以外,用户可以将email设置为...
3.7 Free One Calendar Turn All Your Calendars Into Just One 3.1 Free Desktop iCalendar Lite Calendar and to-do list in one 4.7 Paid Agenda for Google Calendar Agenda for Google Calendar - Meeting Solutions For Business & Productivity Program available in other languages تنزيل Google...
Store and install the officialiOS Google Calendar App. The app provides different ways to view your calendar so you can quickly switch between month, week and day views. You also get Events from Gmail: flight, hotel, concert, restaurant bookings and more are added to your calendar ...
../auth/calendar.readonly Click onUpdate Click onSave and Continue Now add Test Users that you want to test out your app (probably want to add yourself to this list) Click onSave and Continue Click on+ Create CredentailsandOAuth Client IDagain. ...
Keep your calendar and to-do list in sync with this automated workflow. Discover how to easily create calendar events from your task list with Zapier.
Click here for desktop app https://thetodo.net/ \ ◆Sync with Google Tasks It also syncs quickly with Google Tasks and Google Calendar! ◆Narrow down tasks You can display tasks as "today", "tomorrow", "the day after tomorrow", "overdue", and "all"! ◆Sort tasks You can sort by ...
POST https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList/watch 參數 參數名稱值說明 授權 這項要求需要授權,且至少要有下列其中一個範圍: 範圍 https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar ...