但您不需要此设置)。但“父”重复发生事件设置了recurrence,以便您可以使用if event["recurrence"]过滤...
这个API允许你创建、修改和提醒日历事件。...首先,你需要在Google Cloud Platform上创建项目并启用Calendar API,然后安装Google Client Library。...pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib以下是一个简单的示例,展示如何使用...Google Calendar API在日历中创建事件...
Updated Oct 4, 2023 Python deanishe / alfred-gcal Star 226 Code Issues Pull requests View Google Calendar events in Alfred alfred calendar google-maps alfred-workflow google-calendar apple-maps alfred3 awgo Updated Jul 30, 2021 Go GioBonvi / GoogleContactsEventsNotifier Star 219 Code...
Google Calendar Command Line Interface gcalcli is a Python application that allows you to access your Google Calendar(s) from a command line. It's easy to get your agenda, search for events, add new events, delete events, edit events, see recently updated events, and even import those anno...
Here's an example of using the Google Calendar official Python client library:from googleapiclient.discovery import build from oauth2client import file, client credentials = client.AccessTokenCredentials('ACCESS_TOKEN', 'USER_AGENT') service = build('calendar', 'v3', credentials=credentials) ...
在搜索栏, 输入 calendar 找到 google calendar API, “启用” 。 Oauth 同意的流程,名称随意取,邮箱填自己的, 范围选 calendar api。 然后是 “凭据” 中 “创建凭据”, 里面应用类型选 “Web 应用” 。 看到OAuth 可和端已创建 这个表单, 就是完成了, 我们下载这个带有密钥等的json。
Google Friend Connect 是 Google 推出的社会化网络工具,通过此工具你可以将各种支持 OpenSocial 的应用...
When an event is added, updated or deleted from a calendarOperation ID: OnChangedEventInCalendar This operation triggers when a new event is added, updated or deleted from a calendar. Parameters Expand table NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription Calendar ID calendar_id True string Unique ID of the...
更新于 2022-02-13 0
Google Calendar Google Cloud Translation (Independent Publisher) Google Contacts Google Drive Google Gemini (Independent Publisher) Google PaLM (Independent Publisher) Google Photos (Independent Publisher) Google Sheets Google Tasks GoQR (Independent Publisher) GoToMeeting GoToTraining GoToWebinar Govee (Independe...