Después de sincronizar su cuenta con la aplicación Google Calendar en tu escritorio con Windows 10, puede personalizarla. Por ejemplo, puede establecer el día de inicio de la semana y las horas del día en que trabaja, para no recibir notificaciones no deseadas. Para configurar esto, siga ...
Nota: Si los pasos descritos en esta pestaña Nuevo Outlook no funcionan, es posible que todavía no esté usando el nuevo Outlook para Windows. Seleccione Outlook clásico y siga esos pasos en su lugar. En su cuenta de Google Calendar, seleccione Mis calendarios y elija los pu...
تنزيل Google Calendar Sync [AR] Download do Google Calendar Sync [PT] Google Calendar Sync 다운로드 [KO] Download Google Calendar Sync [NL] Pobierz Google Calendar Sync [PL] Tải xuống Google Calendar Sync [VI] Descargar Google Calendar Sync [ES] Скачать...
目标是在 Google 日历和 Outlook for Windows 中删除原始事件并重新创建新的事件时间 示例ICS 文件(当前文件,而非解决方案) 原始事件: BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Microsoft Corporation//Outlook 11.0 MIMEDIR//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:GMT -4 BEGIN:STANDARD DTSTART:16011104T020000 ...
Remarque : Si les étapes sous cet onglet Nouvel Outlook ne fonctionnent pas, vous n’utilisez peut-être pas encore le nouvel Outlook pour Windows. Sélectionnez Outlook classique et suivez ces étapes à la place. Dans votre compte Google Calendar, sélectionnez Mes calendriers et choi...
Publisher Microsoft Website Privacy policy use this integration, you will need a Google account. If you are not a user yet, sign up for a new account. When trying to make a connection, you will be prompted to auth...
Check for more details. You need to register your Windows Subsystem For Android™ appx package before you can run Windows Subsystem For Android™. For WSABuilds and MagiskOnWSALocal users, you...
Next: Set up your calendar for Google Workspace Was this helpful? Need more help? Try these next steps: Print, save, or customize Learning Center guides Learn how to print Learning Center guides, save them as PDFs, or customize them for your organization....
Google Calendar plugin can no longer be downloaded. Not everyone is comfortable with the broad scope of Google, but if you don't mind one company holding a ton of information about you, a Google account is incredibly useful. If you use Google Calendar, which is a very well implemented cal...
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