一、创建API并拿到密钥 打开谷歌开发Console (https://console.developers.google.com/), 创建一个项目。 在搜索栏, 输入 calendar 找到 google calendar API, “启用” 。 Oauth 同意的流程,名称随意取,邮箱填自己的, 范围选 calendar api。 然后是 “凭据” 中 “创建凭据”, 里面应用类型选 “Web 应用” ...
具体的calendar 请求uri格式是: https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/users/me/calendarList?parameters https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/calendarID/events/eventID?parameters 具体的参数一详细的uri请根据需求在文档中查询,例如我要是用calendar的api,那么我将使用上面个格式, 关于calendarId,具...
https://developers.google.com/calendar/api https://developers.google.cn/calendar/api/guides/overview https://developers.google.cn/calendar/api/concepts/events-calendars js https://developers.google.com/calendar/api/quickstart/js <!DOCTYPEhtml> Google Calendar API Quickstart Google Calendar API...
client,toolsimportdatetime# Setup the Calendar APISCOPES='https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar.readonly'store=file.Storage('credentials.json')creds=store.get()ifnotcredsorcreds.invalid:flow=client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secret.json',SCOPES)creds=tools.run_...
The Events Calendar The Guardian (Independent Publisher) The IT Tipster The Lord of the Rings (Independent Publisher) The SMS Works (Independent Publisher) The Weather Channel (Independent Publisher) TheGoodAPI (Independent Publisher) TheMealDB (Independent Publisher) Threads (Independent Publisher) Ticke...
The Events Calendar The Guardian (Independent Publisher) The IT Tipster The Lord of the Rings (Independent Publisher) The SMS Works (Independent Publisher) The Weather Channel (Independent Publisher) TheGoodAPI (Independent Publisher) TheMealDB (Independent Publisher) Threads (Independent Publisher) Ticke...
--nocache --nocolor --default-calendar=CALENDAR_NAME --client-secret=API_KEY Note that long options require an equal sign if specifying a parameter. With short options the equal sign is optional. Currently any file named "gcalclirc" in your config directory (or a ~/.gcalclirc file) wil...
AWS, Microsoft and Google each offer well over 100 cloud services. It's hard enough keeping tabs on what one cloud offers, so good luck trying to get a handle on the products from the three major providers. No one can be an expert on everything on a single cloud, let alo...
The Events Calendar The Guardian (Independent Publisher) The IT Tipster The Lord of the Rings (Independent Publisher) The SMS Works (Independent Publisher) The Weather Channel (Independent Publisher) TheGoodAPI (Independent Publisher) TheMealDB (Independent Publisher) Threads (Independent Publisher) Ticke...
The workflow also uses the Google Calendar connector, which is approved. This workflow uses the Gmail connector with the Azure Blob Storage connector: This workflow uses the Gmail connector with the X connector: Steps for affected workflows