不应为“CUSTOMER_LOCATION_ONLY”类型的营业地点设置此字段,但如果设置了此字段,则所提供的任何值都将被舍弃。 websiteUri string 可选。此商家的网址。如果可以,请使用能代表具体营业地点的网址,而不是能代表所有营业地点或品牌的通用网站/网址。 regularHours object (BusinessHours) 可选。商家的营业时间。
Get locationId (aka business profile id) 参考:YouTube – How to Find Your Google Business Profile ID and Place ID locationId 需要到 business profile 里拿 然后选择 Advanced settings 然后就可以 copy ID 了 List all reviews 至此Review API 需要的 accountId 和 locationId 就拿到了, 发送请求后会得...
如果您有Google Workspace Business或 Enterprise 帳戶,請選取複選框。 如需 Google Workspace Business 或 Enterprise Defender for Cloud Apps 中可用功能的相關信息,請參閱為您的應用程式啟用立即可見度、保護和治理動作。 選取[連線 Google 工作區]。 在Microsoft Defender 入口網站中,選取 [設定]。 然後選擇 [雲...
Meet your business challenges head on with cloud computing services from Google, including data management, hybrid & multi-cloud, and AI & ML.
有关 Defender for Cloud Apps 中适用于 Google Workspace Business 或 Enterprise 的功能的信息,请参阅为应用启用即时可见性、保护和治理操作。 选择“连接 Google 工作区”。 在Microsoft Defender门户中,选择“设置”。 然后选择“ 云应用”。在 “连接的应用”下,选择“ 应用连接器”。 确保已连接应用连...
我在谷歌上发布了一项业务,我的business.It正在直播中。我尝试通过API更新位置详细信息。但我得到了400错误,并得到了以下响应。 代码语言:javascript 复制 { "error": { "code": 400, "message": "Request contains an invalid argument.", "status": "INVALID_ARGUMENT", "details": [ { "@type": "type...
"claimThisBusiness":false,"location":{"lat":50.0870215,"lng":14.4207065},"plusCode":"3CPC+R7 Prague 1, Czechia","totalScore":4.7,"permanentlyClosed":false,"temporarilyClosed":false,"placeId":"ChIJSS_AOemUC0cRlgaiWrJEe_E","categories":["Tourist attraction","Places of interest"],"cid":...
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However, Google stipulates that if the business location is an authorized and fully dedicated seller of the branded product or service (sometimes known as a "franchisee"), you may use the underlying brand name when creating the listing, such as "TCC Verizon Wireless Premium Retailer.” If an ...