Google admits to tracking Chrome users in anonymous web browsing mode At the end of December 2023, Google announced an amicable agreement in the case of tracking Chrome users in anonymous web browsing mode. Although the terms of the agreement were not disclosed, it became clear that the company...
Project Remora is a smart water pollution tracking device that uses sensors to identify sources of water pollution, providing geo-tagged results that allow users to identify pollution sources using the concentration gradient. Project Remora was developed in the MIT App Inventor using Firebase, Realtime...
Eye-tracking adds a new dimension to the data exhaust. As any professional poker player will tell you, the eyes are the window to the soul, and to the tell. Someone holding pocket kings might look down at their chips the moment they see their cards in anticipation of seeing a bigger ...
Sleep tracking can sometimes be inaccurate Sleep Sense won't be free for long Display lags a bit I've always had a difficult relationship with sleep. It's something my parents quickly came to terms with when I was a toddler: Instead of drifting off into dreamland, I'd climb out of my...
But I wasn't satisfied. I kept moving and zooming, tracking up and down my street, looking for angles that didn't exist. I tried to point the cursor up my driveway. Where was I, or rather, where was 2012 me? "The reason why the Google Street thing wasn't enough...what you were...
dependabot[bot] Bump dart-lang/setup-dart in the github-ac... 2cfbe2c 7个月前 872 次提交 提交 取消 .github Bump dart-lang/setup-dart in the github-actions group (#329) 7个月前 benchmark Vector2 constructor benchmark (#297) 2年前 bin Merge remote-tracking branch '...
The core research program includes vessel and aerial surveys to quantify abundance, molecular and genetic studies to elucidate stock structure, assessment of predator-prey dynamics and foraging distributions to determine foraging ecology, and individual identification and tracking to provide...