与LaMDA-PT 137B、GPT-3 175B 和 GLaM 64B/64E 相比,FLAN 在自然语言推理、阅读理解、闭卷 QA 和翻译方面的零样本性能。 FLAN 的性能是每个任务最多 10 个教学模板的平均值。监督模型是 T5、BERT 或翻译模型(在附录中的表 2 和表 1 中指定)。
BERT Question and Answer system meant and works well for only limited number of words summary like 1 to 2 paragraphs only. It can’t be able to answer well from understanding more than 10 pages of data. We can extend the BERT question and answer model t
grow_bert gumbel_max_causal_gadgets gwikimatch hal hct hierarchical_foresight hipi hist_thresh hitnet hmc_swindles homophonous_logography hspace hst_clustering human_attention human_object_interaction hybrid_zero_dynamics hyperbolic hyperbolic_discount hypertransformer ials icetea ieg igt...
问从Google Finance下载股票价格EN从大二开始接触A股,有幸见证了15年疯牛,最后落荒而逃,现在工作了又...
grow_bert gumbel_max_causal_gadgets gwikimatch hal hct hierarchical_foresight hipi hist_thresh hitnet hmc_swindles homophonous_logography hspace hst_clustering human_attention human_object_interaction hybrid_zero_dynamics hyperbolic hyperbolic_discount hypertransformer ials icetea ieg igt...
grow_bert gumbel_max_causal_gadgets gwikimatch hal hct hierarchical_foresight hipi hist_thresh hitnet hmc_swindles homophonous_logography hspace hst_clustering human_attention human_object_interaction hybrid_zero_dynamics hyperbolic hyperbolic_discount hypertransformer ials icetea ieg igt...
grow_bert gumbel_max_causal_gadgets gwikimatch hal hct hierarchical_foresight high_confidence_ir_eval_using_genai hipi hist_thresh hitnet hmc_swindles homophonous_logography hspace hst_clustering human_attention human_object_interaction hybrid_zero_dynamics hyperattention hyperbolic hyperboli...
grow_bert gumbel_max_causal_gadgets gwikimatch hal hierarchical_foresight hipi hist_thresh hitnet hmc_swindles homophonous_logography hspace human_object_interaction hybrid_zero_dynamics hyperbolic hyperbolic_discount hypertransformer ials icetea ieg igt_optimizer ime imghum implicit_constrained_optimization...