(1)前提条件 有一个谷歌账号,网络是ying或mei的,且谷歌账号的使用语言改成英文。如果不会注册谷歌账号的,看教程。谷歌账号注册 (2)打开网址:https://bard.google.com/ (3)登录谷歌邮箱账号 进入网站后,打开左侧或右上侧的登录,即可进行登录。 在上方的框中,输入自己的邮箱名,然后点击下一步。 在上方的框中,...
Google's AI chatbot Bard is now available in English in 180 countries and territories. This means there's no waitlist and pretty much anyone can try Google's AI chatbot and share their feedback. Bard is also available in Japanese and Korean languages, and Google says it's on track to s...
Google announced Bard will support "Tools," which sound similar toChatGPT plug-ins. Google also said you will be able to communicate with Bard in Japanese and Korean as well as English. For the future, Google
Google makes Bard available in English in 180 countries and territories, promises AI image generation from Adobe and integration with services like Instacart — Google is adding a smorgasbord of new features to its AI chatbot Bard, including support for new languages (Japanese and Korean) … Mor...
Working from English into Japanese, Bard produced two translations, describing the second as “a more literal translation of the text.” Bard declined to translate from Japanese into English, responding, in Japanese, “As a large scale language model I am still learning and cannot answer that qu...
all designed to save you from the endless task of sorting through emails and documents. You can also use the information Bard finds in various ways, like creating visual charts or concise summaries. As of now, this feature is available exclusively in English. Google hasn’t yet said if this...
For one, Google unveiled the arrival of Bard Extensions in English, which provides users a new way to work with Bard. Using Extensions, Bard will be able to tap into Google apps and services like YouTube, Docs, Drive, and Gmail, to give users more personalized and convenient results, savi...
Bard's expanded capabilities announced Tuesday will be provided through an English-only extension that will enable users to allow the chatbot to mine information embedded in their Gmail accounts as well as pull directions from Google Maps and find helpful videos on YouTube. ...
Thus far, Bard is available in English, Japanese, and Korean, but Google says it is on track to support 40 languages. Will it be up to snuff? In a move generally considered to have been premature, Bard was released two months ago for select users in the US and the UK. Consensus ha...
For now, Bard remains an experimental product only accessible in the United Kingdom and the United States. And it only supports English. Google does not yet consider the chatbot as a finished product. And it still has a long way to go to catch up with its multiple rivals. However, we...