Google Auth Library: Node.js Client This is Google's officially supported node.js client library for using OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication with Google APIs. A comprehensive list of changes in each version may be found in the CHANGELOG. Google Auth Library Node.js Client API Reference ...
Google APIs Authentication Client Library for Node.js. Latest version: 9.15.1, last published: 2 months ago. Start using google-auth-library in your project by running `npm i google-auth-library`. There are 1713 other projects in the npm registry using g
创建index.js做为入口文件 varexpress=require('express');varSession=require('express-session');vargoogle=require('googleapis');varOAuth2=google.auth.OAuth2;'v1');constClientId="YourGoogleAppClientId";constClientSecret="YourGoogleAppClientSecret";constRedirectionUrl="http://localh...
Google Auth Library: Node.js Client This is Google's officially supported node.js client library for using OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication with Google APIs. A comprehensive list of changes in each version may be found in the CHANGELOG. Google Auth Library Node.js Client API Reference ...
在Node.js中使用Google API,可以通过OAuth 2.0授权来避免重复授权。OAuth 2.0是一种授权框架,允许用户授权第三方应用访问其受保护的资源,而无需将用户名和密码提供给第三方应用。 以下是在Node.js中使用Google API避免重复授权的步骤: 创建Google Cloud Platform (GCP) 项目:首先,在GCP控制台上创建一个新的项目。
Other authentication methods are outlined in the README for google-auth-library-nodejs, which is the authentication library used by all Google Cloud Node.js clients. Example Applications nodejs-getting-started - A sample and tutorial that demonstrates how to build a complete web application using ...
访问受保护的资源。在NestJS应用程序中,创建受保护的路由或控制器,用于访问需要身份验证的资源。使用@UseGuards装饰器来指定使用AuthGuard进行身份验证。 Google OAuth和NestJS身份验证的优势包括: 安全性:使用Google OAuth进行身份验证可以确保用户的凭据和敏感信息得到保护,因为用户的密码不会直接传递给第三方应用程序。
2/ Next + NextAuth + Strapi:项目设置 在开始之前,我们需要进行一些安装和配置。设置代码的最终版本可以在 GitHub(setup 分支)上查看。 1. Next 首先在名为frontend的文件夹中安装 Next。运行以下命令: npx create-next-app@latest 在设置选项中,选择 TypeScript、src文件夹、app router和 Tailwind。
[Set up authentication][auth] so you can access the API from your local workstation. Installing the client library npm install @google-cloud/compute Using the client library /** * TODO(developer): Uncomment and replace these variables before running the sample. */ // const projectId = 'YOU...
Google Auth Library: Node.js Client This is Google's officially supported node.js client library for using OAuth 2.0 authorization and authentication with Google APIs. A comprehensive list of changes in each version may be found in the CHANGELOG. Google Auth Library Node.js Client API Reference ...