是指在React应用中使用Google身份验证服务进行用户身份验证和授权的功能。通过Google Auth,用户可以使用他们的Google账号登录应用,并获得访问受限资源的权限。 Google Auth的主要概念包括: 身份验证(Authentication):验证用户的身份是否有效,确保用户是谁他们声称自己是的过程。 授权(Authorization):确定用户是否有权限访问特定...
A Google Login Component for React. Latest version: 5.2.2, last published: 4 years ago. Start using react-google-login in your project by running `npm i react-google-login`. There are 241 other projects in the npm registry using react-google-login.
import { useGoogleLogin } from '@react-oauth/google'; const login = useGoogleLogin({ onSuccess: codeResponse => console.log(codeResponse), flow: 'auth-code', }); <MyCustomButton onClick={() => login()}>Sign in with Google 🚀</MyCustomButton>;...
import{useGoogleLogin}from'@react-oauth/google';constlogin=useGoogleLogin({onSuccess:codeResponse=>console.log(codeResponse),flow:'auth-code',});<MyCustomButtononClick={()=>login()}>Sign in with Google 🚀</MyCustomButton>; Checks if the user granted all the specified scope or scopes imp...
Google API刷新标记是指在使用React-Google-Login时,当用户登录并授权后,如果需要刷新访问令牌(Access Token),但React-Google-Login返回null的情况。 在React-Google-Login中,当用户登录并授权后,会返回一个包含访问令牌(Access Token)和刷新令牌(Refresh Token)的响应对象。访问令牌用于访问受保护的资源,而刷...
A React Google Login Component react google-login google-api googleapiclient googleuser google-authentication googleauth googe react-google-login Updated Mar 4, 2023 JavaScript panshak / accountill Star 1.6k Code Issues Pull requests Fullstack open source Invoicing application made with MongoDB...
How to implement external authentication with Google for React and other SPA apps: Seethis GitHub issue. Next steps This article showed how you can authenticate with Google. You can follow a similar approach to authenticate with other providers listed on theprevious page. ...
React Native documentation tells about generating a keystore. But as i was using firebase for google auth, it needs sha of that keystore to be mentioned in project settings. To get the SHA1 from the generated keystore, run these commands : cd android cd app keytool -list -v -keystore ...
Getting Started with React Native Managing Your Projects About Projects Setting Data Processing Locations Accessing Multiple Data Processing Locations Through Your App Querying Your Developer ID and Project ID Billing Service Pricing and Subscription Topping Up Your Account Viewing Bills...
For Authorized JavaScript Origins, use https://<app-name>.azurewebsites.net with the name of your app in <app-name>. For Authorized Redirect URI, use https://<app-name>.azurewebsites.net/.auth/login/google/callback. Copy the App ID and the App secret values. მნიშვნე...