amazon voice services、raspberry pi。...半自动标签推荐:基于 Google 搜索权重优化于是,在我使用 Google Analtyics 的时候,我突然想到可以通过 Google Search Console 来获取用户搜索的关键词。...上搜索 home assistant broadlink 的时候,它对应的文章标题便是《Raspberry Pi + Home Assistant 智能家居(二):万...
there was a time where all they really needed was help being driven around. They were still lucid and mobile, but they couldn't safely drive. A self-driving car, accompanied by a voice (alaKITT in Knight Rider), could reduce the tech discomfort...
“What this does, this Google assistant… this is Google,” Sundermeyer said. “This is what Google’s been working on for 18 years.” He paused briefly when his mention of “Google” brought the nearby Google Home to life, before adding: “Where other companies, the voice assistant may ...