IT之家 11 月 29 日消息,谷歌在 Android 7.1 中引入了 Shortcut 功能,该功能有点类似苹果 iOS 如今的 Haptic Touch(触感触控)功能,允许用户通过长按 / 重按屏幕上的 App 图标,对 App 进行快捷操作。 不过根据外媒 9to5Google 报道,谷歌在 Android 14 中悄然调整了 Shortcut 功能,现在用户按下应用图标,将...
当然第三方应用也有快捷方式(可以理解为iOS中的捷径),须在Assistant中设置 与Assistant对话的语言需要在Google中设置;最近音乐播放软件设置我看到只有YouTube和未指定,之后或许会更新,如果有iPhone也可以在iOS上设置,同步设置后安卓版本也可正常使用,我因先前设置过,如今正常运行 tip:如果不知道Assistant可以做些什么,可以...
UI 上最引人注目的变化,是所有 App 图标变成了正圆形,目前是 Pixel 的 7.1.1 独占,据说有可能成为今后 Android 的标准。反正我觉得比国内厂商的重绘好看顺眼。 另一个新功能是长按图标,会出现「App Shortcuts」,和 iOS 的 3D Touch 类似。 ▲ App Shortcut 功能演示 / 少数派 因为众所周知的原因,Google ...
遗憾的是,Google Assistant 的 iOS 版目前未在中区 App Store 上架,如果你想第一时间体验 Google As...
5.10补充 锁屏变化,音量改动,充电的声音变动 原本打算加上多任务app切换流畅的,可是,录屏太卡,所以...
Apple Watch browser app Safari replacement Apple Watch Apple Watch search engine Google shortcut for watchOS Disclaimer: This is a third-party application, independently developed to enhance your search experience. It is not affiliated with Google or Safari in any official capacity, though it leverage...
提供App 内购买项目 截屏 Mac iPhone iPad 简介 The application helps you to save time jumping from a teleconference meeting to another call during the day with the shortcut: Shift+Command+J The power of the application is in the native support of all the popular teleconference and video calls ...
The latest Google app beta has brought Material You refresh for Google Lens. The update also adds the Lens shortcut to the Google Search widget. By Kishan Vyas Sep 2, 2021 Google Lens comes to desktop Chrome as an image search tool Google is finally bringing Google Lens’ visual search...
Now, open “Clear browsing data” or press “ctrl + shift + del” for shortcut On the next page, select “advanced” on the time range and select “All time” Then click on “Clear data” Hopefully, your problem will be resolved If the Google Chrome search bar not working now, you ...
Step 3: Go to the address bar, click the download icon and chooseInstall. Then, you can see a shortcut of Google Meet on the desktop. To get Google Meet, you can try another method – click thethree-dots menuand chooseInstall Google Meet > Install. ...