3. 打开ES文件管理器-内部存储-GoogleInstaller-download, 将里面的GoogleServicesFramework.apk,和PrebuildGmsCore文件夹里的PrebuildGmsCore.apk,复制到根目录下的/system/priv-app里面,重启平板。4. 重启后打开Go谷歌安装器,检测时前面三个应该安装成功了,直接安装Google Play 商店即可。5. 安装完成后,重启平板,...
You can also download Google Photos straight from its web page on Google Play. MANUALLY: You can also install this Google app on your Kindle Fire manually. Here is the download link for the APK file: Google PhotosGoogle Play App On Kindle Fire: Google DriveWant to install Google Drive on...
. This is the prequisite for installing the Google Play APK files. Open this tutorial in the browser of your Kindle Fire, and click on the following links, which will take you to the download pages. In this step, please DON'T install any one of them. Just download them all....
Google Services Framework .APK Download 6. Open the downloaded file and pressInstall. 7. Download the Google Play Services .APK here: Google Play Services .APK Download 8. Open the downloaded file and pressInstall. 9. Download the Google Account Manager .APK here: Google Account Manager .APK ...
5. Tap (not long tap) ES File Explorer_1.6.0.8.apk and wait for it to download. 6. Once it is downloaded, the application installation screen will appear. Tap the Install button. 7. Once it has finished installing, open ES File Explorer. 8. Tap the Kindle Fire’s Menu button and ...
飞天毛毛0001 【持续更新】Googleplay 服务~是gp服务下载链接http://www.apkmirror.com/apk/google-inc/google-play-services/google-play-services-7-5-73-1976294-036-android-apk-download/没错,还是apkmirror的详细的介绍看图吧 19028 chrome吧 廿八鬼 请问从google play商店下载apk那个apk downloader已经没用了...
Google Play Store Download App for Android Update Free. Download Play Store APK Android official link is also given here. PlayStore App Free Install.
Google Services Framework (APK) 12, API 32 12 ❌ Although installation succeeds and apps become aware of it, it lacks a lot of permissions needed for most functions, e.g. read_device_config, which can't be given even with the Settings app. Google Translate 12...
2. For all previous generations of Kindle Fire, Kindle Fire HD, and Kindle Fire HDX tablets Almost all Google appsexcept Google Play store, work on all previous generations of Kindle Fire tablets. This is very likely blocked by Amazon. But you can install Google apps APK files directly. GMa...
I am running CM9 on my Kindle Fire. As of a few days ago I started getting a message that said, "Google Play Services, which some of your applications rely on, is not supported by your device. Please contact the manufacturer for assistance." I thought it was because I hadn't downloade...