在工程目录中找到 AndroidManifest.xml: 在添加权限: 详情。 缩放UI Cocos Creator 支持自适应 UI,对于绝大部分移动端游戏来说,分辨率是在应用启动时就确定了,因此不用考虑适配的问题,但是在 GPG 上,由于用户可以通过外界来调整窗口的大小,因此需要单独去适配分辨率。
微软给 Windows 11 新增的 Windows Subsystem for Android(WSA)功能,为 Windows 设备运行 Android 应用创造了条件,但微软选择的合作对象是亚马逊。 去年12 月,Google 宣布亲自入场,将会借助 Google Play Games 于 2022 年将 Android 平台的游戏带到 Windows 上。 Google 没有让用户等待太久,近日开始为 Windows 用...
You've always been able to play Android games on your PC, though it's never really been easy. Projects likeAndroid x86andBluestackshave typically been your best bet. Back in December of 2021,Google announcedthat it intended on bringing Android games to Windows, making use of theAndroid app ...
If you are an Android user, perhaps you will find Google's solution fascinating. The app launches the Android games locally on your computer, laptop, or tablet, similar to how native games work. Games will support both mouse and keyboard as a touch screen alternative. Google intends to imple...
Microsoftannounced Windows 11with the promise it will support Android apps, although that functionality wasn't ready for the launch of the desktop platform. Now Google has finally launched the first beta - users in select markets can sign up for Google Play Games where they can run 12 games ...
Google Play Games on PC Google Play Games (GPG) is a related technology developed by Google that allows you to publish and play your mobile APK on PC. Starting from v3.8, Cocos Creator will provide support for publishing to GPG. This will help your Android version of the game to ...
Integrate your Google Play Games on PC/Android app or game with AppsFlyer to measure the performance of campaigns marketing these apps. Game attribution and user measurement require the game to integrate an AppsFlyer SDK that records first opens, sessions, and in-app events. For example, purchase...
尽管 Google Play Games 应用程序并不能完全替代 Android 模拟器,但你可以在更大的屏幕上享受智能手机...
Google has launched a closed beta testing of the Google Play Games for Windows application. The app will allow running Android games on PC. The plan to bring Google Play Games to Windows was recently announced during The Game Awards show. The app launches the Android games locally on your co...
Google is launching a limited beta of its app to bring Android games to Windows PCs which will be available in beta inHong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan ONLY for those who’ve signed up for the waitlist and get selected, allowing Windows PC users to play Android games. ...