2.1 创建 Google Analytics 账户 访问Google Analytics并登录你的 Google 账号 点击“开始测量” 输入账户名称(例如 “My Website”) 选择数据共享设置(默认选项) 设置网站属性(输入网站名称、URL、时区) 选择数据流类型→ 选择 “Web” 复制测量 ID(G-XXXXXXX),稍后需要把它添加到 CMS 网站 2.2 在 CMS 网站中...
Designed for visitor privacy. We automatically de-personalize visitor data, and don't use tracking cookies. Our analytics script is fully open source, and you can process personal data on a server you control. Read more on how we handle personal data. ...
TypeScript 1,431 570 392 12 Updated Dec 8, 2024 google-tag-manager-ios-sdk Public Swift 18 Apache-2.0 11 7 0 Updated Aug 22, 2024 autotrack Public archive Automatic and enhanced Google Analytics tracking for common user interactions on the web. JavaScript 4,922 561 46 5 Updated Au...
// https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/mgmt/v3/mgmtReference/functionmyFunction(){// Set values for GA Property and Account TO which to copy custom dimensionsvarpropertyId='UA-1111111-2'//property IDvaraccountId='11111'// view IDvarCDscope="SESSION"//SESSION,HIT,USER,P...
* 代码地址:http://www.google-analytics.com/ga.js * 文档地址:http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/apis/analytics/ * @fileoverview Google Analytics(分析)客户端javascript代码。 */ (function(){ /** * 定义常用对象、函数的快捷调用常量。
jQuery(document).on('stiAnalytics',function(e) { window.dataLayer.push({ 'event':'my_custom_sti_event', 'custom_param_1': e.detail.button, 'custom_param_2': e.detail.image }); }); </script> <?php }, 100 ); this code will sendmy_custom_sti_eventevent with custom parameterscus...
Google Analytics可说是目前最好的浏览分析工具,我们在使用Google Analytics的时候都需要在页面上加载"google-analytics.com/ga.js"的这段java script代码,就目前来说ga.js的载入还是比较快的,而且在第一次载入后就会被缓存下来了;但实际访问页面时偶尔还是会发现瓶颈出现在访问google-analytics.com上。那么有什么好办...
We have performed a survey of the top 10,000 websites on the Internet to find out not just how many of them are using Google Analytics, but also the division between the legacy urchin.js script and the new ga.js script. We found out two very interesting things: First of all, a full...
利用此应用开发平台,构建并拓展深受用户喜爱的应用和游戏。 TensorFlow 利用这个端到端平台,在任何环境中轻松构建和部署机器学习模型。 Flutter 只需一套代码,即可构建、测试和部署覆盖 Web、移动、桌面和嵌入端的精美应用。 Google Ads 借助Google Ads,向合适的用户宣传您的网站、产品和应用。
})(window,document,'script','https://ssl.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-TRACKING-ID', 'auto'); ga('set', 'checkProtocolTask', null); // Removes failing ga('send', 'pageview'); Problem: The analytics page doesn't show any events so I am assuming...