Google Data Analytics (Professional Certificate) 是你的不二之选! 📚 为什么选择这个证书: 1️⃣ 由Google精心打造的专业课程,由业界大佬领衔,课程内容深入浅出,让你在学习的过程中不断成长。 2️⃣ 拥有大厂背书,这个证书受到150+科技、金融名企的认可,含金量十足! 3️⃣ 作为DA入门的首选,这个证书...
没错,这个证书就是业内小有名气的Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate。 虽然名字叫做Professional,但其实是初学者也能通过课程学习后拿到的零门槛证书!目前,全球已经有超过100万的人参与了学习。 在考试完成拿到这张证书后,不仅可以分享于Linkedln,还能向包括Google在内的150多家名企直接投递简历。 整个课程...
Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate 来自: Fenix_Fox(My eyes will see only you) 组长 2021-05-02 03:45:01 现在Coursera和谷歌在联合搞一个数据分析师的培训课程,大概6个月的样子,拿到证书后可以直接拿着这个证书入职,谷歌也会提供用人单位的招聘平台 ...
There are 8 Courses in this Professional Certificate Specialization are as follows: [Foundations: Data, Data, Everywhere] This is the first course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. These courses will equip you with the skills you need to apply to introductory-level data analyst jobs. Orga...
假期7天搞定Google Data证书! 终于在假期里搞定了Google Data Analytics证书!这个证书可是有Professional Certificate盖章的,还能挂在LinkedIn上,含金量直接翻倍!💪 这个课程一共8门,涵盖了数据分析的基础理论和实践技巧。每门课程都有详细的讲解和实操练习,特别适合刚入门的数据分析师或者想转行做数据分析的朋友们。课程...
Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate This repository written for reference and self-documentation purpose Feel free to contribute! Prepare for a new career in the high-growth field of data analytics, no experience or degree required. Get professional training designed by Google and have the ...
Google Advanced Data Analytics Professional Certificate Advanced data professionals are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting extremely large amounts of data. These jobs require manipulating large data sets and using advanced analytics including machine learning, predictive modeling, and experi...
arrow_drop_up1 more_vert Hello everyone, I am currently in course 6 of the Google Data Analytics professional certificate, which is R for data analysis. I'd appreciate if anyone can share idea on how to maximize my learning from this course on how to use R for data analysis. ...
Now, I have successfully completed "Google Data Analytics professional certificate". I got a certificate and a badge 🙂🎉🎉. My badge My certificatePlease sign in to reply to this topic. comment 26 Comments Hotness Mikey Watson Posted a year ago arrow_drop_up1 more_vert Well done @...
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