Google Analytics もその 1 つです。Google Analytics SDK for Windows (Codeplex、、英語、から入手可) により、Windows アプリや Windows Phone アプリ (Sliverlight とユニバーサルの両方) に簡単に統合できます。 今回は Google Analytics ...
In my sample scenario, I have a universal application (W8.1 and WP8.1), so I created two property IDs in one Google Analytics account. To enable my app to talk with Google Analytics, I’ll use a NuGet package. To do this, for both the Windows and Windows Phone apps, right-click on...
适用于 Google Analytics 的 Windows SDK 入门替换为 Jaime RodriguezWindows 开发人员日 - 创意者更新 2017年2月9日 若要优化应用并为用户提供最佳价值,需要进行出色的分析。 在此视频中,你将获得有关如何从 Windows 10 通用应用和 .NET 桌面应用连接到 Google Analytics 的快速分步指南。...
在windows phone7中使用Google Analytics,前提是要基于MSAF(Microsoft Silverlight Analytics Framework)框架,这个框架是微软提供的对 Microsoft Silverlight, WPF, Windows Phone 7的web统计框架;框架对各平台的分析支持如下: 大家可以另去研究学习这个框架;当你下载源码后就可以看到对应wp7的sol...
Google Analytics 4 (GA4) 的工作方式 GA4 优于 UA 的 10 个方面 1. GA4中的跨设备跟踪 2. 与 ...
了解网站流量最直接的方法就是能够查看到统计工具的报表,如果要给广告商 Google Analytics 的统计结果,...
Hello, We have implemented Google Analytics 4 in our MS Add-in using Google Tag Manager. It works fine on DESKTOP Office apps. As soon as we load the add-in in desktop Excel for example, the requests to Google Analytics are triggered tracking user usage and custom events. ...
The new Google Analytics Qt Plugin allows you to improve your Qt app or game cross-platform on iOS, Android, Windows, Mac. Available for C++ and QML now.
Windows & macOS Make sure to set the application identifier in yourmain.cppfile before initializing the QML engine: intmain(intargc,char*argv[]) {QGuiApplicationapp(argc,argv);// Add this line to match your application identifier:app.setOrganizationDomain("com.felgo.plugins.GoogleAnalyticsSample...