CloudGuardは、Google Cloud Platform(GCP)、Microsoft Azure、Amazon Web Services(AWS)という全世界の企業向けパブリック クラウド サービスの主要3種すべてとのAPI対応の統合を実現した、業界初のIaaSセキュリティ サービスです。 GCPのお客様は、CloudGuardの強力な可視化機能とコントロール ファブリ...
If you are using other cloud services, like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), you can install a logging agent that automatically forwards logs from EC2 to Cloud Logging. Additionally, Cloud Logging provides an API that can write logs from any source, including on-premise applications. 3. Use...
利用Google Cloud 对 开源、混合云和多云的承诺和投入,避免受制于特定供应商并加快开发速度。 利用领先的数据平台,做出更明智的决策 借助高级机器学习和分析功能,让您团队中的所有成员都能获取业务数据洞见。 保护重要数据 利用Google 也在使用的安全技术,帮助保护您的数据和应用,防范 威胁和欺诈活动。 转变团队协作方...
Tag: Google Introducing AWS IAM Identity Center New Playground App to Explore Web Identity Federation with Amazon, Facebook, and Google New AWS Web Identity Federation Supports, Facebook, and Google identities
在 AI 业务领域,Akool 利用 Amazon EC2 G5 实例来处理庞大的计算负荷,并采用 Amazon SageMaker 来构建 、训练、优化机器学习算法。基于 NVIDIA GPU 的 G5 实例非常适合于处理机器学习推理和图形密集型计算,加快了内容生成过程,同时最大限度地减少了运营支出,让 Akool 能够在不牺牲性能的情况下大幅提升效率,减少...
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) AWS Elastic Beanstalk Amazon EC2 Container Service Amazon DynamoDB Amazon Redshift Amazon Lambda Amazon DynamoDB Amazon S3 Amazon CloudFront Amazon Route 53 安全 在2017年的云计算研究中,Clutch调研了283个美国使用云服务的IT专家。对于安全,约70%的专家认为把数据...
AMAZON WEB SERVICES Cloud technologies offer a great deal of scalability, meaning businesses can scale up or down easily based on their requirements. AWS are pioneers of public cloud hosting services. AWS predominantly offers IaaS, which gives businesses higher degree of control. For a business that...
cloud. Customers themselves have to take the initiative of protecting information online and hence, cloud security cannot be considered as a comparison point. No matter whether you choose Azure, Google cloud platform, or Amazon web service, at the end of the day online security is in your hand...
gsutil: Used for Cloud storage operations. core: Shared libraries for all the other components. kubectl: Kubectl is used to control the Kubernetes cluster. 更新命令:gcloud components update 安装新的组件的推介方法:sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-minikube ...
With Google Cloud, users get the benefit of a nice mix of the different storage class options that Microsoft Azure and Amazon S3 offer. This makes Google Cloud fairly more scalable than the other two. The combination provided by Google includes multi-regional as well as regional options, a mi...