Generative AI· Natural Language Processing· Responsible AI February 10, 2025 Urban mobility solutions: Calibrating digital twins at scale Algorithms & Theory· Climate & Sustainability· General Science January 23, 2025 Chain of Agents: Large language models collaborating on long-context tasks ...
A research prototype exploring future capabilities of a universal AI assistant Learn more Project Mariner A research prototype exploring the future of human-agent interaction, starting with your browser Learn more Latest news Discover our latest AI breakthroughs and updates from the lab ...
Here you will find the latest news and most recent developments on the Google, with regular updates and all the information you need. - SamMobile
采用AI技术的Google News手机APP可以在iOS系统上使用 Google News手机APP已经已发布iOS版本,该版本的新Google News与Android上找到的新闻类似,它围绕着使用机器学习训练算法来梳理复杂、快速的新闻故事,并将它们分解成易于理解的格式,如时间顺序、本地新闻聚合和呈现在发展和演变的序列中的故事。该手机APP现在被组织成...
Alphabet on Wednesday introduced its most advanced artificial intelligence (AI) model, a technology capable of crunching different forms of information such as video, audio and text. Called Gemini, the Google owner's highly anticipated AI model is capable of more sophisticated reasoning and under...
Google新法!AI破极限 Google的研究人员最近发现了一种新方法,可以让AI模型处理超大量的数据,同时打破了模型记忆体的极限🚀。他们使用了一种名为「环形注意力」的技术,这种技术可以降低Transformer的记忆体需求,使其能够训练比先前最先进的模型长500倍以上的序列,而不必对注意力进行近似。
Google is set to introduce a new system called Astra later this year and promises that it will be the most powerful, advanced type of AI assistant it’s ever launched. The current generation of AI assistants, such as ChatGPT, can retrieve information and offer answers, but that is a...
Today, at our third annual Google Data Cloud & AI Summit, we are announcing new product innovations and partner offerings that can optimize price-performance, help you take advantage of open ecosystems, securely set data standards, and bring the magic of AI and ML to existing data, while ...
Google,硅谷的代言人,AI 界的巨擘,技术牛,论文多,做给消费者用的 AI 产品,却几乎没有出圈的。 不过,也有一个例外:NotebookLM,甚至连死对头 Sam Altman 也觉得它很酷。 偏偏NotebookLM 走的还是一条有些小众的赛道——播客。 关注AI 第一新媒体,率先获取 AI 前沿资讯和洞察 ...
近日,Google研究团队在其博客上发布了一篇文章,介绍了他们的最新研究成果:无监督语音到语音(Unsupervised Speech-to-Speech,简称USS)AI模型。 这是一个基于自监督学习和对抗学习的端到端的语音识别系统,它可以从没有任何标注的语音数据和文本数据中学习,支持100多种语言的语音识别,包括一些低资源语言,例如阿姆哈拉语、...