Google Experiment(谷歌实验)是谷歌官方出品的,各种前沿技术的新锐实验,让非技术用户也能够体验到最新的技术成果。 入口:Google Ai 实验 (因为是 Google 的,都要科学上网) 这个网页是这样的: 里面有各种各样的有趣小实验(游戏),下面我一一为大家讲解: Teachable Machine 受教机器 这个实验,使任何人都可以更容易地...
Google Experiment(谷歌实验)是谷歌官方出品的,各种前沿技术的新锐实验,让非技术用户也能够体验到最新的技术成果。 入口:Google Ai 实验 (因为是 Google 的,都要科学上网) 这个网页是这样的: 里面有各种各样的有趣小实验(游戏),下面我一一为大家讲解: Teachable Machine 受教机器 这个实验,使任何人都可以更容易地...
The Infinite Drum Machine无线鼓点 声音很复杂,差别很大。本实验使用机器学习来组织数千种日常声音。计算机没有给出任何描述或标签,只有音频。使用称为 t-SNE 的技术,计算机将类似的声音放在一起。你可以使用地图探索各种声音和类似的声音,甚至使用它们进行录制音乐。 AI DuetAI 钢琴合奏 这个实验可以让你和电脑一起...
比如可以识别图片内容的拍照应用,并将内容转换成有节奏的Giorgio Cam、分类并随机生成打击乐的Infinite Drum Machine;还有类似于微软识花的图像识别应用Thing Translator、神经网络看到了什么What Neural Networks See等等。赶快去尝试一下Google的AI游戏,点击这里查看Google推出的一系列AI Experiments的游戏。
比如可以识别图片内容的拍照应用,并将内容转换成有节奏的Giorgio Cam、分类并随机生成打击乐的Infinite Drum Machine;还有类似于微软识花的图像识别应用Thing Translator、神经网络看到了什么What Neural Networks See等等。赶快去尝试一下Google的AI游戏,点击这里查看Google推出的一系列AI Experiments的游戏。 出处;Google...
The search giant’s AI research division has developed a deep-learning tool to produce music and art with humans in the loop. By James Templearchive page March 29, 2017 Machine-learning algorithms aren’t likely to put painters or singer-songwriters out of work anytime soon, to ju...
First off, we tried using MusicLM to produce drum loops. We entered the prompt ‘130bpm drum loop’ and the AI gave us two drum loops in return, neither of which were 130bpm. However, the loops were solid and interesting enough to drop into a project and build a track around. When ...
Google also took the opportunity to showcase AI-powered tools and apps on a new website: AI Experiments. AI Experiments taps Google’s TensorFlow, the company’s open source machine learning platform. It’s the most popular machine learning framework on project host site GitHub, Google said, ...
Infinite Drum Machine and Bird Sounds are a couple of other sound-based experiments that are fun to use. There are some more experiments whose code you can download and give them a try. You can find all the Google AI Experimentshere. Just in case you’re having something worth sharing, ...
Recent studieshave found that 62% of Gen Z and Millennials want visual search capabilities. With the advancement of AI and machine learning, the demand for image search is continuously growing – but who is currently ahead of the game between Google vs Bing?