1:对接的接口如下图 image.png 地址为:https://developers.google.com/adsense/management/reference/rest/v2/accounts.reports.saved/generate#http-request <?phpnamespaceApp\Http\Controllers;useIlluminate\Http\Request;useIlluminate\Support\Facades\DB;usePhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Reader\Xlsx;date_default_timezone...
通过URL查询Google Adsense数据?要通过URL查询Google Adsense数据,您需要使用Google Adsense API 创建Google Cloud Platform项目: 访问Google Cloud Console 并创建一个新项目。启用Adsense API: 在Google Cloud Console中,转到“API和服务”>“库”。 搜索“Google Adsense Management API”并启用它。创建凭据: ...
Google Adsense API是Google提供的一组API,用于开发者与Google Adsense广告平台进行交互。通过使用Python编程语言,可以从服务器访问Google Adsense API,实现自动化管理和监控广告收入。 在使用Python访问Google Adsense API之前,需要进行以下步骤: 创建Google Cloud项目:在Google Cloud控制台创建一个新的项目,并启用Adsens...
虽然开放AdSense API可能会令作弊的情况变得更严重,不过相信Google已经作好了准备才做出这样的决定,因为广告可是它的命根,它不会拿自己的命根开玩笑。 另外,Google也正在为实现AdWords及AdSense之间的资金互转而努力。一直以来,AdWords和AdSense用户都希望自己的帐 户里的资金能直接实现互转。比如,一个用户注册了AdSense,...
在自定义网站开发工具或托管的 WP 中以原生方式集成 AdSense。平台所有者可以选择收取固定的广告收益分成,也可以选择在不进行收益分成的情况下将原生 AdSense 集成作为一项功能提供。 了解详情 快捷注册 - AdSense Management API 我们正在构建多个 API,致力于让平台能够更轻松地与 AdSense 集成。我们目前针对以下两...
Google AdSense API Google Development Tools Google AdSense API Do you want to share advertising revenues with your site's users? If so, you can accomplish it with custom apps that your developer can create with Google AdSense APIs. There's more than one way to turn a website into a ...
7)Places API 8 )Buzz API Friend Connect API 9)Social Graph API 10)Wave API 11)YouTube API’s 12)ADwords API 13)Adsense API 14)Blogger Data API 15)Webmaster Tools API 16)Code Search API 17)Picasa Web Album DATA API 18)Management API ...
Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1 Admin SDK API directory_v1 Google.Apis.Admin.Reports.reports_v1 Admin SDK API reports_v1 Google.Apis.Adsense.v2 AdSense Management API v2 Google.Apis.Advisorynotifications.v1 Advisory Notifications API v1 Google.Apis.Aiplatform.v1 Vertex AI API v1 Goog...
Access Context Manager APIv1 Ad Exchange Buyer API IIv2beta1 Ad Experience Report APIv1 AdMob APIv1,v1beta AdSense Management APIv2 AdSense Platform APIv1,v1alpha Address Validation APIv1 Admin SDK APIdatatransfer_v1,directory_v1,reports_v1 ...
Google Ad Manager. Google Ads. Google AdSense. Chances are high that just about everyone has heard about these platforms at least once before, even if they aren’t working directly in marketing or advertising. But how many of those same people do you think would be able to explain the diff...