第1 步:Dana 是一名工程师,为贵公司管理数据。Dana 会设置数据源,以便在 Google Ads 中进行启用。该数据源已准备好与用例进行关联。 第2 步:Mahan 是一名媒体专家,需要衡量受众群体的启用情况。Mahan 创建了客户名单,然后将其关联到 Dana 之前设置的数据源,以便使用这些数据进行目标客户匹配。
Trivia Quiz Template Show more Google Slides Templates Google Sheets Templates Efficient and Customizable Spreadsheet Templates Designed for clarity and ease of use Tailored for various tasks: budgeting, tracking, and reporting Perfect for personal, business, and academic data. ...
Google Ads, Google Sheets Google Ads + Google Sheets More details Add new Mailchimp subscribers to Google Ads customer lists Try it Mailchimp, Google Ads Mailchimp + Google Ads More details Zapier is the leader in workflow automation—integrating with thousands of apps from partners like Google, ...
8. Project plan template Make a copy This project plan Google Sheets template helps you map out all the steps required to complete a project. Break down your project into actionable tasks, assign deadlines, and allocate resources, so you have a clear roadmap to get the work done. With a ...
How is this template structured? The Google Sheets resource is made up of 6 key worksheets (tabs): Plan Campaigns– a simple method to structure your Ads Campaigns and Ad Groups to specify and agree them before making them live. Ad copy RSA– simple method to structure your Responsive Search...
How is this template structured? The Google Sheets resource is made up of 6 key worksheets (tabs): Plan Campaigns– a simple method to structure your Ads Campaigns and Ad Groups to specify and agree them before making them live. Ad copy RSA– simple method to structure your Responsive Search...
1.打开并登录谷歌广告,登录网址:https://ads.google.com/ 2.点击工具和设置 3.点击转化 4.点击+转化 5.点击导入 6.这里要根据询盘目标是在GA里设置还是在GA4里设置,以GA为例,选择UA版Google Analytics 7.点击继续 8.选择在GA上设置的询盘成功目标 ...
Google Ads 编辑器 11.6 版推出了几项更新,包括支持更多设备出价调整、两种 Gmail 广告模板、应用广告系列、安排定期执行的下载,以及在高级搜索方面的一些改进。下载最新版 Google Ads 编辑器。 设备出价调整 此版本新增两种设备出价调整:桌面设备和平板电脑。这些新出价调整(以及移动设备出价调整)的范围为 -90% 到 ...
要批量创建和更新Google Ads营销活动数据,您可以使用专门为Google Ads帐户设置格式的Search、Social和Commerce批量工作表文件。 您可以a)为现有帐户生成所需文件格式的批量工作表文件,或b)手动创建这些文件(有关支持的文件格式的一般信息,请参阅支持的批量工作表文件...
4.检查GoogleAds是否与Google Analytics 4(GA4)或Google Analytics(GA)相关联,这里以Google Analytics 4(GA4)为例 5.点击工具与设置中的转化 6.点击新建转化操作 7.点击导入 8.如果使用的GA4就选择Google Analytics(分析)4媒体资源,如果使用的GA就选择UA版Google Analytics(分析)。这里以Google Analytics(分析)4媒...