请确保“include in conversions”的设置与您的Google Ads投放目标(campaign goals)一致。详情请咨询您的Google账户经理或参阅Google提供的说明文档。 完成上述操作后,您就能通过AppsFlyer来衡量Google Ads移动广告了。 提示 Google Ads API对接默认包含Google Ads再营销功能,因此您在完成该对接并向Google Ads发送事件后,...
GoogleAdsError GoogleAdsFailure HeaderError IdError IdentityVerificationError ImageError InternalError InvoiceError KeywordPlanAdGroupError KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordError KeywordPlanCampaignError KeywordPlanCampaignKeywordError KeywordPlanError KeywordPlanIdeaError LabelError LanguageCodeError ListOperationError ManagerLin...
Pause or enable campaigns and ad groups (Google Ads mobile app) Sign in Was this helpful? YesNo Submit Achieve your advertising goals today! Attend our Performance Max Masterclass, a livestream workshop session bringing together industry and Google ads PMax experts....
Google App Campaigns sind ein bezahlter Werbekanal, der App Marketern hilft, die Sichtbarkeit ihrer App zu erhöhen und die Nutzerakquise zu steigern. In 7 Lektionen geben die App Marketing Experten von App Radar alle wichtigen Einblicke und Tipps, damit du deine App mit Google App Campaign...
A Google Ads campaign is a way to advertise your business on Google's advertising network to achieve your marketing goals. For each campaign, you'll select a campaign type, add keywords (if applicable), create ad copy, target locations, schedule ads, and more. ...
反之,对于在Google Search App上投放的广告,Google Ads就可以对App Campaign带来的iOS搜索进行归因。 创建转换记录(激活) 有关创建转化记录的详细说明,请见此文档。 Google Ads - iOS配置 - 发送应用内事件 如果您想进一步衡量Google Mobile App Install(移动应用安装)广告的投放效果,可以通过AppsFlyer帐户向您的Google...
Ad rotation: Optimize: Prefer best performing ads,通过此设置,通常情况下ad group中的广告可以获得更多的点击或转化。 Ad rotation 然后可以在All campaigns->settings中,查看所有的设置。 选择campaign,点击“Enable"。 2. 优化Search Campaigns 首先,可以经常使用search terms report。
Campaign Targeting Languages:(仅限搜索和显示网络)促销活动中广告的一个或多个目标语言。 Google Ads根据用户的Google语言设置或搜索查询的语言、当前页面或最近在Google Display Network上查看的页面确定用户的语言。 Location Targets:要作为目标包含或排除的特定...
The final step is to set up billing information, and your App Install Campaign is ready to go live. Boost your organic & paid mobile user acquisition Connect your Google Ads account to App Radar and keep track of your important ad metrics. Start Free Trial Previous lesson The ultimate ...
AdGroupMobileAppSelector CampaignMobileApp CampaignMobileAppIterator CampaignMobileAppSelector MobileApp MobileAppBuilder MobileAppIterator MobileAppOperation MobileAppSelector MobileAppUrls Phone numbers AccountPhoneNumber AccountPhoneNumberIterator AccountPhoneNumberSelector AdGroupPhoneNumber AdGroupPhoneNumberItera...