所以在投放购物广告前,你必须要注册一个GoogleADs帐户与一个Google Merchant Center帐户。注册成功后,将两个帐户进行连结,你就可以在Merchant Center中上传你的产品目录并投放广告! 应用程式广告(App promotion ads) 新App 落地,除了于Playstore 或App Store 上做好应用程式商店优化(App Search Optimization),还可以于...
"We help you promote your new products, promotions, new intake or new property launching by letting you show video ads on YouTube and other websites to boost general awareness of your brand and drive conversions or get people to shop on your website." How do we do it? You can create ...
登入Google Ads并创建一个新的广告系列。 选择投放目标(campaign objective)。 除“App promotion”之外,所有目标均适用(“App promotion”仅适用于移动端应用的广告)。 建议您将投放目标设置为“Sales”,以便根据具体的应用内事件进行优化。 选择转化目标(conversion goals)。 默认情况下,您会看到账户层级的预定义投...
UAC 2.0即UAC between Install to Action UAC 2.5即UAC for Action UAC ACE即UAC for Engagement UAC 3.0即UAC for Value 目前大多还是以1.0和2.5为主,3.0比较新,不容易跑。 下面是如何在Google ads后台创建UAC2.5广告的简单流程: media 点击“+”号 点击第一个,+New campaign 跑App的一般都选择App promotio...
随着Google Ads多年来的增长,广告客户可用的广告格式的数量也在增加,且还有许多附加选项,如站内链接扩展、位置扩展、价格扩展等等,以满足广告客户特定的业务需求。其广告格式包括: ·Text Ads(文本广告) ·Responsive Search Ads(响应式搜索广告) ·Image Ads(图片广告) ·App Promotion Ads(App 推广广告) ...
App Promotions To make money with Google ads, app promotion has now become the most important element of any marketing strategy. We prioritize running app promotions to reach a larger audience than through desktop ads, with a lower Google ads budget. ...
GoogleAdsFieldCategory GoogleAdsFieldDataType GoogleVoiceCallStatus HotelAssetSuggestionStatus HotelDateSelectionType HotelPlaceholderField HotelPriceBucket HotelRateType HotelReconciliationStatus IdentityVerificationProgram IdentityVerificationProgramStatus ImagePlaceholderField IncomeRangeType InteractionEventType Int...
Google Ads API REST Interface 该内容对您有帮助吗?Send feedback PromotionExtensionDiscountModifier bookmark_border A promotion extension discount modifier. Enums UNSPECIFIED Not specified. UNKNOWN Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version. UP_TO 'Up to'.该内容对...
App promotion Whatever the case,create specific OKRs or KPIsthat align with their big-picture goals. Aside from budget and bidding, consider that your client’s PPC objective influences other campaign elements (e.g.,deciding on appropriate Google Ads copyor how much budget is needed). That’s...
On the other hand, advertiser also has the scope of running the app promotion ads. If the motive is to make the users download the app, then this can be a great option to consider. Using app install ads, you can easily go for click to download ads. ...