您可以將此查詢中的<INSERT_RESOURCE_OR_FIELD>替換為資源 (例如customer或campaign) 或欄位 (例如campaign.id、metrics.impressions或ad_group.id)。 重點:請注意,這個查詢中沒有FROM子句。 如需可查詢欄位的清單,請參閱GoogleAdsField說明文件。 程式碼範例 用戶端程式庫提供GoogleAdsService中使用 Google Ads 查...
https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/reporting/criteria-metrics In the AdWords API, you can retrieve performance data (metrics) for different criteria from various reports (e.g., theKeywords Performance Reportor theAge Range Performance Report). To provide similar functionality in Goog...
FieldName ('ASC' | 'DESC')? 若未在欄位名稱後方指定ASC或DESC,Google Ads API 會 預設值為ASC。 以下ORDER BY子句會以遞減方式排序廣告活動層級報表 曝光和遞增的廣告活動名稱: ORDER BY metrics.impressions DESC, campaign.name ASC 不允許訂購: 依未選取資源的屬性 依未選取的指標 依未選取的區隔 以下...
HistoricalMetricsOptions HotelAdInfo HotelAdvanceBookingWindowInfo HotelCalloutAsset HotelCalloutFeedItem HotelCheckInDateRangeInfo HotelCheckInDayInfo HotelCityInfo HotelClassInfo HotelCountryRegionInfo HotelDateSelectionTypeInfo HotelIdInfo HotelLengthOfStayInfo HotelPropertyAsset HotelStateInfo HouseholdIncomeDimensi...
指标 VideoViews metrics.video_views使用推荐驱动程序版本和旧版驱动程序版本的 Google Ads 之间的差异下表显示了使用推荐驱动程序版本和旧版驱动程序版本的 Google Ads 之间的功能差异。展开表 建议的驱动程序版本旧版驱动程序版本 支持指定 Google Ads API 版本。 不支持指定 Google Ads API 版本。 ServiceAuthentic...
const client = new GoogleAdsApi({ client_id: "<CLIENT-ID>", client_secret: "<CLIENT-SECRET>", developer_token: "<DEVELOPER-TOKEN>", }); const refreshToken = "<REFRESH-TOKEN>"; const customers = await client.listAccessibleCustomers(refreshToken); Retrieve Campaigns with metrics import { ...
GoogleAdsRow GraduateExperimentRequest HotelAssetSuggestion HotelImageAsset HotelTextAsset IdentityVerification IdentityVerificationProgress IdentityVerificationRequirement InsightsAudience InsightsAudienceAttributeGroup KeywordAndUrlSeed KeywordForecastMetrics KeywordPlanAdGroupKeywordOperation KeywordPlanAdGroupOperation KeywordPla...
googleAdsApiVersion public Object googleAdsApiVersion() Get the googleAdsApiVersion property: The Google Ads API major version such as v14. The supported major versions could be found on https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/docs/release-notes. Type: string (or Ex...
You can find part of that information in the Competitive Metrics columns in Google Ads: If you’re looking at your Google Shopping Ads campaign, you can add the “Benchmark CTR“, “Benchmark Max. CPC”, “Benchmark product price difference“, and the “Average product price” columns from...
search volumes are the main input in theVisibilitymetric. To segment the search volume by device, we primarily depend on the GSC connection. If that's not available, we rely on our market-wise keywords database. Search volume data also feeds into theYear-over-Yearmetrics and the automatic ...