Google Ad Planner可以显示一个网站的流量数据,与Goge趋势类似。同时还显示页面访问总数,每个用户访问的页面数,以及在网站上停留的时间。 图片源自网络 2、Google Insights for Search-搜索解析 用户输入一个或几个关键词, Google搜索解析将按图表格式给出相对关注度和随时间变化的趋势。Google搜索解析将按图表格式给出...
The article focuses on the Ad Planner, an Internet marketing and advertising research tool introduced by Google. Inc. Advertising agency executives and officials of marketing research firms say they doubt the Ad Planner will transform Internet advertising research. They state that the software is more...
A方式的强行动号召语包括:Buy Now, Request Pricing Now, Chat with Us Anytime都是强行动号召语;B...
Google Ad Planner的数据来源 据Google AdWords报道,为了用户使用Google广告的需要,了解网站的具体统计信息,Google即将推出Google Ad Planner。 Google Ad Planner类似上周发布的Google网站趋势,但Google给出的截图却令人大吃一惊。 在这个报表中,我们不仅仅看到了网站详细的独立访问数、浏览量、访问来源、关键字等信息,...
Also, considering that the keyword planner tool by Google is free and does a lot of work in making your ads successful, and you only pay when someone clicks on your ad, one can say that Google Ads are not very expensive. And, they can have an impressive return on investment (ROI), ...
Google recently made it much harder to receive accurate keyword data from the AdWords keyword tool. They have not only grouped similar terms, but then they broadened out the data ranges to absurdly wide ranges like 10,000 to 100,000 searches a month. Only active AdWords advertisers receive ...
Google Ad Planner:谁在玩Pinterest 来自海外的研究者通过Google Ad Planner获取的调查数据,来看看究竟是哪些人群在玩Pinterest? 年龄属性:30%的Pinterest用户年龄在25-34岁之间,其次是年龄在35-44岁的用户; 性别属性:80%的Pinterest用户是女性,男性比例仅为20%;...
The new Keyword Planner curtails the ad impression share competitor comparisons. Organic impression share and Organic average position for the keywords can be seen in the new Keyword Planner if the URL ranks for them. The data available must be enough to reflect the organic results. ...
This extension allows you to redirect to the pricing page of a product. Structured snippet: These are used to add categories, brands, types the Ad. Sitelink Extensions: These are clickable links within your Ad redirecting to a specific page ...
Include detailed product descriptions, high-quality images, and pricing. Use sitelink extensions to direct users to specific product categories, special offers, or other landing pages within your website. Display the item’s star rating in the ad — positive social proof can help boost clicks. ...