1. Link your Google Ads account to your YouTube channel You’ll need both a Google Ads account and a YouTube channel to run ad campaigns on YouTube. To link them, navigate to the Tools & Settings menu in your Google Ads account, select “Linked accounts,” and click “YouTube.” Fro...
https://gizmodo.com/google-is-hobbling-popular-ad-blocker-ublock-origin-on-chrome-2000570878 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43262531 https://old.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/1j2ec76/ublock_origin_is_gone/
加admob客户经理,给他推荐了一位客户经理,并给了联系方式 恢复账户,继续尝试,是否有漏掉的事情,全力去联系官方进行处理。 就像前面说的,这件事情,也只能等官方来处理了,因为我们该尝试的,基本都尝试了,无法略过手机号验证码这关卡。 后续,我这边得到社区Google官方人员的回复,大致意思如下: 由于Google帐号登录问题...
展示广告(display):向广告主设置的特定目标群体或网站进行广告展示,展位广告可以设置为图片广告、Gmail广告、图片广告、自适应广告等。 视频广告(video):在整个Google展示广告网络(包括200万家网站,覆盖全球90%以上互联网用户)或YouTube上展示视频的广告。 应用推广广告(universal app):吸引用户下载使用APP的APP推广类型...
本文是针对中国大陆用户Google Adsense、Admob、Youtube收款金额超过5万美金,受到外汇管制限制时的收款及结汇攻略。外汇管制的5万美金限制的是结汇,不是限制收款。所以当你的年度收款超过5万美金时,仍然可以正常收款到银行卡。只是卡上的美元,会因为你的结汇额度不够而无法结汇。
Google Relents on YouTube Ad MeasurementGoogle said it will begin allowing Nielsen to measure audiences for ads on its YouTube website, a decision that could give ad buyers more confidence to shift dollars to online video.Suzanne Vranica
to the point that people have increasingly begun to resort to leveraging ad blockers, butYouTube cracks down regularly on such softwarethrough itsad blocker detection technology too. Now, the company has confirmed that it is rolling out another way to view ads, which is hopefully less intrusive...
Google has announced stricter controls on third-party apps that violate YouTube's terms of service, particularly ad blockers. The company warns that using such tools may cause buffering issues and display a "Content is not available in this app" error. ...
However, the abundance of advertisements on YouTube can be a source of frustration for many users. To address this, many people have turned to ad-free YouTube apps likeYouTubeVanced. Unfortunately, YouTube Vanced and some other similar apps werebanned byGooglebecause they violated the terms of...
Unfortunately, the third question we sent to Google about what YouTube users can do to prevent themselves from accidentally stumbling across an ad like this remains unanswered. In the past, anad-blockerwould be the best solution. However, with YouTube’s continuing crackdown on ad-blocking syste...