而搜寻广告的一大特色是它的广告额外资讯(Ad extensions),你可以为搜寻广告加上其他资讯,如网站连结、地点、企业电话号码等,令用户从你的广告中获得更多、更全面的资讯同时提高点撃率(CTR) !以下就是搜寻广告的额外资讯介绍: 网站连结额外资讯(Sitelink Extensions) 透过新增额外网站连结,你能为搜寻广告加上热门产品网...
显然,你应该添加更多的ad extensions。如果你已经有了sitelink extensions,那么你可以添加更多并测试它们。如果你的营销活动是移动端可访问的,那么你可以添加一个call extension(电话扩展),允许用户直接从广告中点击并致电给你,然后你可以借此机会突出你所提供的一切福利。总而言之,你应该尽可能使用到ad extensions的全部...
显然,你应该添加更多的ad extensions。如果你已经有了sitelink extensions,那么你可以添加更多并测试它们。如果你的营销活动是移动端可访问的,那么你可以添加一个call extension(电话扩展),允许用户直接从广告中点击并致电给你,然后你可以借此机会突出你所提供的一切福利。总而言之,你应该尽可能使用到ad extensions的全部...
How to set up call extensions:Contact extensions are built within the ‘ad extensions’tab of your Google (Search engines) AdWords account. In the ad extensions tab, choose Call extensions from the decrease, +Extension and the +New phone number button. At this point, you can select whether ...
(1)附加链接(Sitelink Extensions)可以扩展添加内容,使你脱颖而出并提供指向你网站的其他链接。 (2)附加电话信息(Call Extensions)可让你在广告中加入电话号码,以便用户有其他(即时)联系你的方式。如果你的客户服务团队已准备就绪,那么你可以通过此附加信息吸引和转化更多受众群体。
1. Ad Extensions Ad Extensions allow you to supplement your ad with additional information at no extra cost. These extensions fall under one of five categories: Sitelink, Call, Location, Offer, or App. 2. AdRank Your AdRank determines your ad placement. The higher the value, the better you...
3. Call Extensions Want to skip the long, drawn-out discovery process and offer customers a way to call you directly? Use the call Google ad extension. It’s a simple way to add a phone number and a direct calling option in your ad. ...
element minOccurs="0" name="NewCallAdExtensions" nillable="true" type="xs:boolean" /> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="NewCalloutAdExtensions" nillable="true" type="xs:boolean" /> <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="NewConversionGoals" nillable="true" type="xs:boolean"> <xs:annotation>...
There are several types of Google ad extensions that you can use, and it's crucial to use the correct type for your business's needs. Here are 12 types of Google ad extensions that you may consider using: Callout extensions Callout extensions typically have a short text blurb under an ad...
The first post in our series onGoogle Ads Extensionswill focus on Google Ads (AdWords) location extensions. Location extensions are a feature within Google Ads that allows you to add location data about your business to your ad: In this post we’ll walk through why these extensions are import...