中文(及其他语言):全部点击右方三个小圆点,选择最后的移除。 5. 关闭Chrome浏览器并重新打开,并输入网址http://account.google.com进入注册界面,并点击右上角“Create An Account” 6.填写姓氏、名字、用户名和密码这些注册信息。建议Gmail邮箱格式统一为:qhenergy.英文名@gmail.com. 7.输入手机号码并等待验证。
1.打开谷歌邮箱并登录,访问链接:http://gmail.com 2.点击右上角Settings设置 3.点击See all settings 4.点击Accounts and import 5.点击Change password 6.如果需要再次登录,登录即可。如果没有再次登录,忽略此步。 7.输入要更改成的新密码 8.再次输入新设置的密码,进行二次确认 9.两次密码输入相符,没问题后。
1.打开谷歌邮箱并登录,访问链接:gmail.com 2.点击右上角Settings设置 3.点击See all settings 4.点击Accounts and import 5.点击Change password 6.如果需要再次登录,登录即可。如果没有再次登录,忽略此步。 7.输入要更改成的新密码 8.再次输入新设置的密码,进行二次确认 9.两次密码输入相符,没问题后。点击Chan...
Gmail 是一款直观、高效、实用的电子邮件应用。免费提供15GB存储空间,垃圾邮件更少,而且支持移动访问。 一个帐户,畅享 Google所有服务! 登录即可继续使用 Gmail
Gmail is one of the most popular free email providers. In this video we cover how to create your Google account and then open a new Gmail account. We also take a look at and show you how to use the basic functions and settings of Gmail's user interfa
1.打开谷歌邮箱并登录,访问链接:gmail.com 2.点击右上角Settings设置 3.点击See all settings 4.点击Accounts and import 5.点击Change password 6.如果需要再次登录,登录即可。如果没有再次登录,忽略此步。 7.输入要更改成的新密码 8.再次输入新设置的密码,进行二次确认 ...
Basically, the redesign means that Gmail looks more integrated into the iOS ecosystem. To this end, Google has eliminated the distinction between general and account settings. Instead, you now have app-specific distinctions like settings for Chat and Meet appearing under the new Apps in Gmail ...
Google disposed of the particularity of an application form quick and easy. No hassle! So, to open aGoogle email account, just go to the main page of the site via this shortcutaccount gmail. Then, from the options located at the top of page, you field “Gmail“. Make click it and ...
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