My Google account was hacked the other day and the hacker accessed my personal data, attempted to buy things with my cards. I've since secured my google account and changed all my passwords but the hacker stole my swgoh account by unlinking the account from my Goog...
Suppose someone has accessed his Google account on his personal mobile device using Google browser but now he is not able to on his computer device. This is meaning that he either forgot the password or hacked his email account. But here he is not required to worrying as he is completely ...
The short answer is, yes. Gmail can be hacked. If someone has hacked your Gmail account, they can access not only your Google account but also the websites and services you use. This means a hacked Gmail account is more serious than simply losing an email address and the emails within i...
If you must frequently recover your account, it’s time to consider changing your account settings to ensure your login information is secure and saved. It may be tempting to create a basic, easy-to-remember password, but this puts your account at risk of being hacked. account r...
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If your site was hacked, take the time to update all of your passwords. This goes beyond just the WordPress admin — also think about logins like your cPanel, hosting account, domain name provider, FTP account, etc. Make sure each new password is unique, long enough, and includes upper...
In those cases, my google penalty service isn’t needed. Check your website, server, files, Google Search Console account and fix those errors. You may need a full page by page seo audit. What I need to remove google penalty from your website?
While there are no details (yet) on who was impacted, if we take into account the fact that the Insula Group’s offer includes software products and IT services, it’s easy to imagine the potential for damage. So, what’s the deal behind supply chain attacks? Why are so many companies...
Brand A has 15,000 followers, but the account displays just 3 or 4 posts with very minimal to no engagement. On the other hand, Brand B also has 15,000 followers but has a decent number of posts at regular intervals with a good interaction rate. B sounds genuine, right? Google has,...
Google now takes this into account and asks raters to check the Wayback Machine if there are any questions about the content date. Heavy monetization Often, YMYL sites run with heavy monetization. This is one of the things that Google asks the raters to look for, particularly if it’s ...