With our comprehensive guide to resolving the "Google Play Services Account Action Required" error, your quest for a viable solution comes to an end. Embrace the swift and effective strategies outlined here to regain seamless control over your Android device. For enhanced convenience, we recommend ...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71199143/action-required-your-app-is-not-compliant-with-google-play-policies-what-is-t 懒得翻译了,大致就是这个流程,有些地方可能有出入,如实回答就行。 揣测一下 admob 广告 sdk 的行为即可,不用只想着自己的 app 没有相关行为,就选择没有,一定是考虑广告 sdk 的行为。
Part 1:Why does Google Play Services Require an Action? There can be different reasons why Google Play Services Required Action won’t go away. One of the major ones is the failure to successful synchronization of the Android phone to the connected Google Play account. There can be other ...
登录到开发人员控制台并单击游戏服务,然后单击Testing 据
It does not get removed from notification bar which appeared when I deleted google account Sort by date Sort by votes B. Diddy Senior Ambassador Moderator Mar 9, 2012 166,730 6,527 113 Visit site Mar 10, 2018 #2 Welcome to Android Central!...
if someone's phone is <Android 10, can they not access the app at all, or can they still access the old version? Existing users with an old Android will keep the out-of-date app. But new users with an old Android will not be able to find the app in Google Play. ...
链接到 Google Play : https://developer.android.google.cn/distribute/marketing-tools/linking-to-google-play.html 官方文档 ; 一、从 Android 应用跳转到 Google Play 代码 首先, 创建 Intent , 设置其 Action 为“android.intent.action.VIEW” , 代码语言:javascript 复制 /** * 活动操作:向用户显示数据...
We currently use meteor 1.8.1 which is Android 27 below is an email I just received from Google Play Store saying they will require Android 28 for app updates after Nov 1st 2019 [Action Required] Update your Android targetSdkVersion by November 1 Google Play no-reply-googleplay-developer@...
If you wish to acknowledge the reset initiation, then all you are required to do is enter your Google account credentials and start using the Android phone from scratch. But if you wish to keep your settings on the phone intact or forgot your login information, then you can bypass the Goog...
You will have the option to sign into your Google account when you open the authenticator app.This is not required.Signing into your Google account allows you to store a backup of all your codes in the cloud, but also adds a bit of security risk. The choice is yours. ...