Inspired by Phileas Fogg, the hero of Jules Verne’s novel, “Around the World in 80 Days,” Nellie set sail from New York in November 1889 determined to beat Fogg’s time. Traveling by steamships and sailboats, she sent dispatches back to her newspaper as she circled the globe. Instead...
Leonardo da Vinci painted what he saw in his world. Women that he saw looked like Mona Lisa. No here called Da Vinci racist. You want to act like you care about race relations, and you annoy me cause you’re disingenuous. You want to relate others it doesn’t always have to involve ...
瑞秋把在Central Perk的工作辞掉,开始尝试在时尚界找一份工作。後来她遇到了马克(Mark),马克在Bloomingdate’s为她找了一份工作,但罗斯始终确信Mark对瑞秋有企图,因此变得异常敏感和嫉妒。这种紧张关系在他们的周年纪念日是达到了顶点,瑞秋由于工作无法和罗斯共进晚餐,罗斯就带了食物到瑞秋办公室,但弄得一团糟直到瑞秋...