Google's parent company, Alphabet, Inc, has two types of stock that you can buy: GOOG: Class C shares, which have zero voting rights GOOGL: Class A shares, which have voting rights The only difference is that GOOGL stock provides voting power, which gives you a vote in shareholder meetin...
“Splitting Google stock may make the shares a little more volatile as it opens the stock up to more activity from day traders who were kept at bay by the four digit stock price, but that can actually be good for us as it creates buying opportunities from time to time.” Will Google ...
收盘价 01/10 16:00 (美东) 192.890 -0.280-0.14% 盘后20:01 (美东) 2.36万亿总市值25.62市盈率TTM 197.620最高价191.600最低价2075.38万股成交量195.420今开195.390昨收40.22亿成交额0.19%换手率33.31市盈率(静)122.41亿总股本202.88052周最高7.53市净率2.11万亿流通值131.07652周最低0.40股息TTM109.38亿流通股202.8...
2.40万亿总市值25.96市盈率TTM 196.220最高价193.335最低价301.04万股成交量194.360今开191.050昨收5.86亿成交额0.03%换手率33.75市盈率(静)122.41亿总股本202.88052周最高7.63市净率2.14万亿流通值131.07652周最低0.40股息TTM109.38亿流通股202.880历史最高0.20%股息率TTM1.51%振幅24.222历史最低194.634平均价1股每手 ...
google first went public in 2004, the company created two classes of common stock. google sold shares of its class a stock to the public. google co-founders larry page and sergey brin, along with other google executives, retained class b shares. at the time, each share of google's class...
On July 15, 2022, Google conducted one of the largest stock splits in history. It was a 20-for-one split, meaning that any investor with a share of GOOG or GOOGL stock before the split had 20 shares of the stock after the split. This affected all share classes of Google stock, m...
GOOG | Complete Alphabet Inc. Cl C stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.
View Alphabet Inc. Class C GOOG stock quote prices, financial information, real-time forecasts, and company news from CNN.
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While $5 billion is a hefty fine even for Google, the good news for the company is the markets aren't further punishing its stock. Last week, Google, the crown jewel of Alphabet (Nasdaq: GOOG, GOOGL), was fined $5 billion by the European Commission, the executive body of th...